The Ugly American Syndrome

Rules while visiting other countries

Mark Escalera


Photo by Ron Hansen on Unsplash

Originally from England, I have had the privilege of living on three different continents, have visited almost twenty different countries, and hope to visit many more places.

One thing I found prevalent in every country is that the ugly idea of prejudice is alive and well on planet earth.

Prejudice is defined as a “preconceived opinion(s) that is (are) not based on reason or actual experience(s).”

Visitors to England come with preconceived opinions about the food or the people. It may be something as innocuous as thinking all British food is bland or that all Brits stand around Buckingham Palace waiting for a personal invitation from Her Majesty the Queen while eating another portion of fish and chips.

Foreign visitors to the UK think that we intentionally drive on the wrong side of the road just to confuse the rest of Europe. However, the truth is that Brits know how to drive on the CORRECT side of the road and that one-third of countries around the world also drive on the left side of the road including countries on the continents of Europe, Asia, South America, Africa, and the entire continent of Australia. But I digress.

When we moved to Liberia, West Africa, we attempted to fit in with the culture and…



Mark Escalera

From England. Married 35 years. 5 children and 2 grandchildren. Lived overseas 17 years in Iceland, the UK, and Liberia, West Africa. Writer for 4 publications.