Doomsday Clock just moved: It’s now 2 minutes to ‘midnight,’ the symbolic hour of the apocalypse

Washington Post
The Washington Post
7 min readJan 25, 2018


The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists unveil the 2018 ‘Doomsday Clock’ January 25, 2018 in Washington, DC. Citing growing nuclear risks and unchecked climate dangers, the group moved the clock to two minutes before midnight, 30 seconds closer and the closest it has been since the height of the Cold War in 1953. Photo: Win McNamee/Getty Images

By Lindsey Bever, Sarah Kaplan and Abby Ohlheiser

Alexa, what time is the apocalypse?


The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists advanced the symbolic Doomsday Clock a notch closer to the end of humanity Thursday, moving it ahead by 30 seconds. It is now set at two minutes to “midnight.”

In moving the clock 30 seconds closer to the hour of the apocalypse, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists cited “the failure of President Trump and other world leaders to deal with looming threats of nuclear war and climate change.”

The organization now believes “the world is not only more dangerous now than it was a year ago; it is as threatening as it has been since World War II,” Bulletin officials Lawrence M. Krauss and Robert Rosner wrote in an op-ed published Thursday by The Washington Post. “In fact, the Doomsday Clock is as close to midnight today as it was in 1953, when Cold War fears perhaps reached their highest levels.”

Krauss, a theoretical physicist, and Rosner, an astrophysicist, added: “To call the world nuclear situation dire is to understate the danger — and its immediacy. North Korea’s nuclear weapons program appeared to make remarkable progress in…



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