How I Made 200k By Age 24 And What I Wished I Knew Sooner

Vincent Ong
The Wealth Ninja
Published in
3 min readMay 14, 2021


Things I wished I knew sooner in my teens. Updated 7th Jan 2022.

Photo by Matese Fields on Unsplash

It hasn’t always been a smooth ride for me ever since I was in my teenage years. My family got into debt because of my father’s addiction to gambling, and I always had to scratch my head for ideas on making more money.

I took up a few part-time jobs at one go when I was in my teenage years and often had to skip school because I was just too tired to wake up after a long day at work. I was exchanging my precious time for hard-earned money. That’s actually what I thought is the only way to earn money.

Fast forward a few years, I managed to get into a job that pays above average compared to my peers due to the experiences I had gained in my previous part-time jobs. I invested my money in the stock market and continued to work as hard as I can.

A few years later, I managed to earn my first pot of gold. After a few years of saving and investing, I’ve managed to earn 200k and thought that I’ve my own mojo on making money as I am quite ahead of my peers.

From there, I researched how to make more money, and I found out there are actually so many ways to make money. Especially during this time of age when everything moves so fast, the information allows people to earn money.



Vincent Ong
The Wealth Ninja

Writer. The Millionaire Pen. The Wealth Ninja. ILLUMINATION. Making of a Millionaire. The Writing Cooperative. Writers’ Blokke, etc. All about finance.