
Indefinite Detention by Apache County Arizona: The Ordeal of Joseph Lathus and Its Implications

In the remote, serene landscapes of Apache County, Arizona, a storm of judicial controversy brews over the life of one man: Joseph Lathus. Accused of obstructing a public thoroughfare concerning road’s that have not been accessible nor maintained by Apache County ever, not until Mr Lathus maintened these dirt roads weren’t even driveable until Mr Lathus maintained them, Lathus finds himself entangled in a web of legal battles that have left him in a state of indefinite detention. This is not just a story about one man’s struggle but a chilling account that raises grave concerns about the integrity of the justice system in Apache County and its broader implications.

The Case Begins

The saga began around December 1st 2023, when Joseph Lathus, a resident of Concho Lakeland Unit 6, was cited for allegedly obstructing a public road. What seemed like a straightforward misdemeanor charge has since spiraled into a prolonged legal nightmare. According to Arizona Rules of Criminal Procedure, Rule 8.2, a defendant charged with a misdemeanor is entitled to a trial within 180 days. However, Lathus’s trial date has been postponed repeatedly, leaving him in a legal limbo for over 200 days without trial.

A Desperate Struggle

Joseph Lathus's situation is exacerbated by his severe medical condition. Diagnosed with stage 2 mouth cancer, Lathus has been undergoing rigorous treatment, including surgery. His condition severely impairs his ability to speak and necessitates continuous medical care. Despite these circumstances, the court has denied him reasonable accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), further straining his physical and mental health.

Judicial Misconduct and Conflict of Interest

Central to Lathus’s plight is the appointment of Bryce Patterson as his attorney by Justice of the Peace Butch Gunnels. Patterson, who has close associations with key figures in the case, including Ferrin Crosby and Michael Whiting, admitted to a conflict of interest on June 26, 2024. Despite this admission, the court has failed to adequately communicate with Lathus regarding his case’s status.

The actions of Justice of the Peace Butch Gunnels raise significant questions about judicial impartiality.

On June 25, 2024, court clerk Kassandra Page informed Lathus that his trial was postponed to August 20, 2024, without serving a formal minute order. This failure to provide official documentation has left Lathus without the necessary information to prepare his defense.

Prolonged Legal Limbo

The continuous delays and lack of communication have placed Lathus in a state of indefinite detention. This term, while traditionally associated with physical incarceration, applies equally to his situation. The legal constraints imposed on Lathus have caused significant mental and emotional distress, violating his constitutional rights to a speedy trial and due process.

The Implications

The case of Joseph Lathus is more than an isolated incident; it is a glaring example of systemic issues within the judicial system. The prolonged detention and judicial misconduct not only undermine the credibility of the justice system in Apache County but also set a dangerous precedent for how cases involving vulnerable individuals are handled.

1. **Erosion of Trust**: The evident bias and procedural malfeasance in Lathus’s case erode public trust in the judicial system. When justice is delayed and appears prejudiced, it sends a message that the system is not designed to protect the rights of all citizens equally.

2. **Violation of Rights**: The denial of ADA accommodations and the right to a speedy trial highlight significant violations of constitutional rights. These rights are fundamental to ensuring fair treatment and justice for all, regardless of their circumstances.

3. **Mental and Physical Health**: The prolonged legal constraints have exacerbated Lathus's health issues, causing undue physical and emotional stress. This situation underscores the need for judicial sensitivity and adherence to legal standards that protect individuals' health and well-being.

4. **Judicial Accountability**: The actions of Justice Gunnels and the court clerk, combined with the conflict of interest involving Bryce Patterson, call for increased judicial oversight and accountability. Without these, the risk of similar miscarriages of justice remains high.

### A Call for Justice

The plight of Joseph Lathus has reached the desks of higher authorities, including the Arizona Attorney General’s Office and the U.S. Department of Justice. His story is a call to action for immediate judicial oversight and intervention. The need to uphold the principles of justice, fairness, and the rule of law is more critical than ever.

Lathus’s struggle is a stark reminder of the potential for injustice within the legal system. It is a plea for the protection of rights and the assurance that the courts serve as impartial arbiters of justice. As his case unfolds, it remains a testament to the resilience of individuals fighting for their rights against overwhelming odds and a clarion call for systemic reform.



Rev Cynthia Pustelak Safeth Ministries

Reverend at Safeth Ministries, Co-Founder and Co-Creator of Safeth technologies.