My 30 Day Habit Challenge — 6 Habits to launch YOU into 2018! You In?

Mike Lord
The Why Builder
Published in
4 min readJan 1, 2018

I can’t even remember the last time I wrote in a journal. I’m pretty sure the times I did journal was when my life was fucked up in some way. I’m starting this journal today so I can measure my progress and have some kind of historical and statistical data of my journey. I’m barely just scratching the surface of knowing what it takes to be successful. I’m not just talking money but in life as a whole. I spent a ton of time last year researching why some people are more successful than others. As of today, It comes down to one thing and that is H-A-B-I-T-S!

If you look at the majority of successful people in the world they all have their routine and they stick by it. The only habits I’ve had over my entire life was procrastination, laziness, and drug & alcohol abuse. I’ve tried so many things in businesses, sports, relationships, careers, and never reached my potential in any of it. I was trying so hard (and sometimes not trying at all) to have this level of “success”. After 20 years of trying to “make it” I had to take a step back and start from the very basics in life and this is where my journey is today. I picked up a few books which I will share later (not today) that have jump started my path and given me the mindset needed to make huge strides. I will share with you the basic habits I will be focusing on the next 30 days. I’ve already started some of these last year, really 2–3 months ago, but I am trying to make these part of my DNA. If you have ever tried to start a habit, you know how hard it can be to actually make it a part of your daily life.

1. Spiritual
2. Fitness
3. Diet
4. Education
5. Schedule My Day
6. Zero My Day

1. Spiritual
I started reading the Bible last year. I put myself on a 60 day plan for reading the new testament. I’m using an app called YouVersion. I’m currently on day 39/60. I start my morning everyday reading a few chapters. I’ll get into why I am doing this in future posts.

2. Fitness
I am starting a 30 day morning workout challenge. It’s a short 10 minute full body workout. I had a pinched nerve on the left side of my body last year and since then I’ve lost all my strength in my upper body. I want to do something that didn’t kill me or take up a lot of time. I will still ride my bike and do jiu jitsu but this is something I wanted to try since I don’t ever think I’ve worked out 30 days in a row ever in my life. Here is a link to the video that I will be doing for 30 days. I made sure it was something that I could actually enjoy:

3. Diet
There has been a lot of talk about Keto and low carb high fat (LCHF) diets. Before trying to take it to that level of commitment I want to start with the basics. For the next 30 days I will be cutting out refined carbohydrates and sugar 6 days of the week. One day of the week I will eat what I want. The remaining 6 days I will do my best to stay away from evil.

4. Education
This is something I’ve been doing for a while already but nothing consistent. Right now I’m learning a ton on FaceBook advertising and marketing automation. For the next 30 days I will do nothing but learn more about these subjects. I’ve been reading about personal development and other non techy related stuff but I will put that to the side for now. I’m at a point in FB advertising and marketing automation that I need advanced knowledge and strategies to up my game to highly profitable levels.

5. Schedule My Day
This is another thing I haven’t been consistent with. The days I work at home it seems to be pretty easy but when I am on the road I don’t do this. I will try for straight 30 days to schedule my day no matter what. I won’t get into this in detail right now but I need to schedule EVERYTHING! My appointments, meetings, tasks, workouts, etc. If it takes up time in my day I will schedule it.

6. Zero My Day
This means that I zero out my inbox, I reply to all my text messages and IM’s, and I clear out my tasks list. Doesn’t mean that I handle everything but my inbox is clean, I’ve replied to everyone that have tried to reach me and I have a good handle on all my tasks. I’ve tried doing this at the end of my day but I just don’t have any will power left so this has become part of my morning routine. Before I begin any work I make sure that I start my day with Zero.

And with all this said, This is my first journal entry of 2018. Just like many of my habit goals above, I will try and do this for 30 days. Sometimes it might be short and sometimes it might be long.

— Mike Lord

Took my awesome wife (Dori) ice skating for her first time to end 2017… and she didn’t fall once! (12–31–2017)



Mike Lord
The Why Builder

Business Optimization Expert at Focused on implementing simple systems to grow and scale your business. Making Business Simple…