419 Literary evaluation applied to mythology and religious dogma

Kent Busse
Published in
2 min read6 days ago


The conceptually rich literature of mythology represents vicarious experience through which discerning readers recognize pitfalls without living through them first-hand. Zeus has shortcomings with which readers identify. They rejoice and weep at the right moments in the story, expressing their understanding of the forces that work on the central character. When the story is told, and the readers return to their daily work, they feel enlightened with understanding of mistakes in which they have not personally participated. Through literature, they contemplate at a safe distance.

There are typical study questions: What does Zeus or Hercules feel at this point? What alternatives are available? Is there a struggle between taking initiative and accepting fate? Does the character mellow during the story? What aspect of the action could be treated differently? Is there expectation of change over time?

Literature as described above allows readers to seek meaning and draw conclusions without coercion. The study develops reasoning power as readers evaluate and discern.


There is another class of literature that is labelled as scripture. Here, the picture changes. The story is recast as a morality tale pointing to a fixed conclusion that is labelled as a commandment. The conclusion is imposed on the reader point-blank without emerging through the steps of evaluation and discernment. It demands specific behavior.

To be sure, the exegesis described above can be applied to the religious case. Sadly, the story is often presented instead as a demand for conformity, not as an invitation to probe reality. The dogmatic approach promotes blind obedience over personal growth.

Outer vs inner directed

This article will be uncomfortable for people who need commandments. You have my sympathy. I, too, want guardrails on a bridge even though I intend not to have any physical contact with them. There is reassurance in their visible presence. Using this same metaphor, let me explain to people desiring controls that I am not arguing against controls. My point is that the controls should be internal to me. The prophet must not articulate commandments that give me guardrails. I must be led by the philosopher who develops my reasoning power so that it becomes accurate guard rails. It is called self-control.

Insecure readers remain uncomfortable even after I endorse guard rails in this way. Perhaps that feeling responds to the realization that under my criteria, each of us obeys a unique set of guard rails. If America ever accepts this condition respectfully, we will have removed the rancor and infighting that is the curse of this generation. It will be the new world, the earth restored.

Discussion: Have you been exposed to both tracks above? What was the setting of each encounter? Can you evaluate them in terms of long-term contribution to your own character? Does your experience influence how you present literary topics to others, especially children?

17 July 2024



Kent Busse

Founder, Ernstraud Philosophy -- realizing existence, meaning, and joy forever