10 Things to Remember in your next Internship

The Wise Idiot
The Wise Idiot
Published in
2 min readMay 12, 2018

Everyone interns once in their life. Sometimes we intern because we have to, sometimes to learn and the other times when we want to build up our resume. I have some great tips to make sure that you learn from your internship and take back the absolute knowledge you can.

Be attentive

It is imperative to be vigilant and aware of everything that’s happening around you. You can learn a lot when you’re watching.

Listen carefully

It is always better to be a listener than a speaker. Always listen before you talk. This will not only help you in your internship but throughout your life.

Never be scared to try out new things

There might be instances when you won’t know what your managers are telling you to do but never be scared. Trying out new things helps you to build up your knowledge.

Be open to new ideas

You will be exposed to a lot of new ideas and new ways of doing certain things be open to accepting them and understanding them. This is the way you learn new things.

Never give up

There might be times when you’re tired of your internship and want to go home and chill; but always remember that not giving up is the first step to success.

Say no

Never be scared of saying no. When you’re tired and cannot do a specific task it is okay to politely say no and ask for an extension to complete the work.

Be bold

If you don’t like something or feel like you can do a better job than what your superior has told you to do, then you must be bold and tell your superior that. Transparency is the best platform to connect.

Be inquisitive

Always have the hunger to learn more and more. Never be afraid to ask questions and gain more knowledge.

Work hard, no matter what

Always work hard even if your task is small and seems unimportant. It will help you build a good work ethic, and people will notice the effort you put In.

One bonus learning:

You’re more important than you think

Even though you are at the bottom of the career ladder, you’re also needed, and your primary work is appreciated.

Originally published at https://thewiseidiot.in on May 12, 2018.



The Wise Idiot
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