Adulting 101: Sitcom style

The Wise Idiot
The Wise Idiot
Published in
4 min readFeb 11, 2020

Let’s assume that Chandler Bing, Leonard Hofstadter, and Raymond Holt know each other. We can even go a step further and assume that they are best friends. Did you imagine them in front of a bonfire, a glass of whiskey in Holt’s hand, complaining about how Peralta showed up late to work and in his speedos, again? Or, perhaps it’s Chandler talking about how Joey forgot to pay his electricity bill for the month.

These situations may be sitcom porn, but the moral remains the same: we all need somebody to guide us. We, at The Wise Idiot, understand that not every Sheldon might find themselves a Leonard. Therefore, we have put together a bunch of advice just in case you lose the Halloween Heist this year and feel bad about yourself.

“Reality check: Life gets worse!”

Personal freedom is worth the price:
You cut off ties with your family and went ahead to pursue your dream career or maybe regretting your decisions once in a while at 3 am. Personal freedom is like an oasis in a desert, but real. Never regret anything that brings you the liberation you deserve. It is often accompanied by tough choices, but, in the end, the juice is worth the squeeze.

Impatience is toxic:
Sometimes, you want to finish your work in a rush without really caring about its quality or curse because the project didn’t yield rewards fast enough. Yes, you can define your pace in life, but the universe may not necessarily be on the same page. Impatience leads to self-doubt because it makes you believe that you control the world.

If Donna had given up on Harvey in Season 1, they would’ve never ended up together. Slow down a little bit. Do your thing. You’ll get your dues in time, we promise.

It is okay to suck at things:
Joey’s acting was so bad in Season 1, his friends had to give him fake compliments to make him feel better. No one is perfect. We mess up way too often and say the wrong things at the wrong time. Rather than dwelling in your bubble of magnificence, it is better to accept that you aren’t great at something and improve on it. This will also help us lower our unbelievably high standards about our achievements. You ain’t no Thor after all.

Most people won’t get you:
There are days when you feel like a Sheldon. You’ve sympathized with Phoebe Buffay when she felt unheard and wrongly judged. We’re here to assure you that it’s completely natural.

As unique individuals, your crazy thoughts, perceptions about life, emotions, ideals, and ethics may not necessarily resonate with many people. At such times, it is best to call your closest friend (or The Wise Idiot) who will assure you that being different is not a bad thing.

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger:
If Ted Mosby had given up on finding the love of his life, How I Met Your Mother would have ended in the first episode. If Holt ran back home crying after facing discrimination for being a gay, black officer, New York would still be drowning in crime (fictionally).

What we fail to realize is that these tough times are the stepping stones to our success. They are hard to deal with but they leave us with unmatched, emotional maturity.

Think about your future self:
When the going gets tough, sit back and think if this will matter in the next 3 months. Every decision that you make now will impact your future self in one way or another. It’s important to think about the consequences of your actions. If Leonard had never dreamed of a future sans Sheldon, he would never be able to make it through being Sheldon’s roommate.

Maintaining relationships takes work:
A long-distance relationship with your best friend sucks. Jake and Amy, as adorable as they are, had to deal with a lot of emotional and personal issues before they got together. Relationships need time and effort, regardless of your compatibility. You need to prioritize them over the passion for your work. It is not easy but it is worth it.

It is okay to be alone:
We cannot possibly stress more on how important this is. It is okay to watch your favorite movie alone, spend Friday night by yourself and most importantly, it is okay to not care about it. ‘Me time’ is downright important. Harvey’s character wouldn’t be half as interesting if they had shown him licking people’s boots. It’s okay to be our best friend.

Learning is the answer to everything:
Knowledge is truly king. That being said, it does not mean that you lock yourself up in a library in quest of finding your soulmate. It is important to keep yourself updated at all times. The more information you consume, the more realistic your approach will be towards life. You can always come back and thank us later!

Positive people are contagious:
Yes, you should contract the positivity virus.It is important to surround yourself with the right people. There are Regina Georges and Lokis in the world that will only drown your energy and increase self-doubt. Stay around people that lift your spirits up and detach yourself from the toxic ones. They push you to go after the life that you want. It is time to get yourself a Charles Boyle!

We hope that this is your much-needed ray of sunshine. Otherwise, The Wise Idiot has always got your back in case Winter does not come this year. There is a reason we’re called wise, after all. Bazinga!

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Originally published at on February 11, 2020.



The Wise Idiot
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