Elements that make a kickass website

The Wise Idiot
The Wise Idiot
Published in
5 min readJul 7, 2020

In this technologically evolving world, everything around you is represented digitally. The relatively younger generation can hardly recollect a time before the World Wide Web. Today, websites are the new ‘judging a book by its cover.’ It’s no surprise that these sites are a prerequisite to any form of consumer behavior and the face of a business. Studies indicate that humans process visuals 60,000 times faster than text. This shows that in less than a second, half your visitors have decided your worth purely on your website design.

The absence of an appealing, interactive, and altogether kickass website, the chances of advancement decrease considerably. You need a well-designed website the same way you need to dress up before a party. If you’re looking to design a website but have no idea where to start, here are a few of the essential things to keep in mind while you manifest your digital presence.

Breathe out clutter, breathe in Whitespace

While designing a website, less is more. Adding too many elements can make it cluttered and overwhelming to navigate. A chaotic website will leave your audience confused and less likely to return. So make sure, every aspect on your page has a well-defined and necessary purpose. Use whitespace intelligently to give your page a sense of structure that is also aesthetically pleasing.

Fonts Matter

Your website content is the primary medium for communicating with your audience. the content is represented is of secondary yet prime importance. Using complicated, incomprehensible, and challenging-to-read typography will leave your audience frustrated. What’s the point in writing emotive and critical content if no one can read it? The rule of thumb is to use simple but powerful typography and limit your page to two fonts. Reading a jumble of fonts like this, is just as off-putting as bad fonts.

Rainbows are pretty in nature, not on websites

Before your conscious mind can register it, your subconscious has already assessed what’s worth viewing and what needs to be ignored, totally based on colors. A colored advertisement increases the prospects of engagement 42% more than a black and white ad ( J.V White, Color for Impact 1997) Colors express emotions and improve what we have learned, and comprehended. A website filled with cluttered colors does not emote confidence. Hence, the experience of unboxing an iPhone (apart from getting a new phone), with their monochrome setup is an exciting and memorable event.

Attention-grabbing, Show-stopping Visuals

Graphics are a great way to grab a viewer’s attention. They are not only fun to see, but also represent data in a way that’s easier to comprehend. ‘A picture speaks a thousand words,’ and in this case, it’s true. Your set of photos communicate authenticity, professionalism, and convey your company’s message instantly. While designing your website, try posting a few graphics or pictures related to your business.

People should be content with your content

As a bonus to the visual impression for your website, the content they encounter should also be impressive. Otherwise, your website will have a shiny exterior but no depth. Try to keep the content concise, relevant, and comprehensive. Unnecessary complex data does not attract people. Put yourself in the shoes of your ideal audience and try to provide information that they will need when they come across your website for the first time.

The adventure is out there, but a map is necessary

More than using a map during a road trip, your website should be simple to use. Adding unnecessary links and elements will confuse the viewer and before you know it, they are stuck in the labyrinth of your website. Navigation should be intuitive. That is, not only should you keep in mind how the user will be going through your website, but the flow between the pages should occur naturally and almost intuitively.

The website ‘vibe’

Every website has a specific vibe or mood attached to it. It is a reflection of the company through which we catch a glimpse of their essence. You create this vibe, not through a specific aspect, but the interaction of all the elements on your page, like visuals, content, colors, and graphics. The first impression is the last impression, so ensure that it is a good one.

Essentially, keep simplicity in mind when designing your layout. You don’t want to replicate the mess in your brain on your website. The impression people create of your website is the view they will have of your company. In this increasingly competitive world, your website will help you stand out and represent what you stand for. The Wise Idiot is all about helping you materialize your purpose through visually appealing design and content. Reach out to us to create your kickass website.

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Originally published at https://thewiseidiot.in on July 7, 2020.



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