Every mom has said this to you at least once

The Wise Idiot
Published in
4 min readMay 13, 2019

Sometimes, it feels like all mom’s come with a set template of statements that are thrown at us when we’re in trouble. Relatable, right? I bet a few statements came to mind the moment you read the sentence. They would repeat about the same 10 statements at least 1000 times a day, and it continues into the next day, too.

Here are some statements that you must’ve heard at least once from your mom. We still love them, regardless.

Put that damn phone down!

Every time she sees you on your phone, she wishes that the godforsaken thing wasn’t invented, and then continues to surf Facebook. But alas, she knows that’s the only way she can call you to know where you are and what you’re doing.

At what time will you come home?

If you’re like a paying guest who’s out all day and just comes home to eat and sleep, it seems like a valid question. Even though we always give a vague answer, she hopes that you will give her a definite time at least once.

You never listen to me!

“Switch the fan off.” “Go study beta. “ She would say that politely at first, which you don’t bother to pay attention to at all. But, you know shit gets real when she repeat-screams the line which is followed by the statement in highlight.

I’ll tell your dad about this!

When you’re being Dennis the Menace, she tattles to your dad. But, who are we kidding? We know that most dads do everything but help mom. Dads like being the good cops.

Do your friend’s parents allow this?

Every time you have a late night party, a sleepover or a trip to Bali, every mother wonders if it’s just her or do other parents find it totally unnecessary for their child to be doing what you’re about to do.

You are a bad influence on your friends

You sure happen to be the child that gets under her skin every time. In the end, your mom just casually concludes that you’re a bad influence on your friends, and they are supposed to be the ones to stay away from you!

Why haven’t you accepted my Instagram follow request yet?

FOMO (fear of missing out) is surely running in her blood with Instagram. She has joined the millennial hub, and there’s no polite way to say, “Um.. because I don’t want you to make silly comments and see what I’ve been up to. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt right there.”

This is for your own good

This should’ve been statement #1….

Whether it’s about coaxing you to eat your vegetables or the fact that ‘mother knows best’ she actually does know what’s best for you. It feels like she has the psychic power to know exactly the right thing!

When are you getting married?

21 — that’s the benchmark for every mother. You’re almost done studying, and you need to get settled. It starts with ‘are you dating anyone?’, ‘who is that guy/girl?’ ‘do we start looking for people for you?’ It’s a conversation starter, and nothing more. Unless you’re really old and are still not dating someone.

Khana Khaya? (Did you have any food?)

I bet 20 out of 10 times there’s not one child who hasn’t heard their mom ask this question. Your phone would probably have 4 missed calls and 4 texts asking the same thing.

What are your ‘mom’ statements?

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Originally published at https://thewiseidiot.in on May 13, 2019.

