Everyone needs a Push

Aditya Kothari
The Wise Idiot
Published in
5 min readMar 25, 2021

You have been working and working hard. Juggling through work and life and making sure you attain your goals, both personally and professionally. A day when you are working away, you hear this: Hey, you are doing great work. Could you also try doing this?

Your response would be the result of the ‘Zindagi’ you are living:

Aam Zindagi: No, No, I am happy with what I am doing. (In Mind — Don’t you ever try giving me a different type of work and take me out of my comfort zone? Okay)

Mentos Zindagi: Umm… Sounds interesting. Let me see if I can spare some time and try to learn and understand how this works. It will be an excellent addition to my personal growth.

We often hear or go through these types of conversations at our workplace. Often, we must don a different hat and show that we have a diversified pool of talent to complete tasks that we don’t consider to be our forte. To experiment is to know, and to know is to succeed. Only when you accept these kinds of challenges would you understand what you are capable of and how you can fuel your personal growth.

But it isn’t as easy as it sounds. Experimenting can be overwhelming and can distract you from your visible goals. Then? What to do? How to achieve the workplace success you are looking for?

Let me figure it out for you.

Firstly, you would need a Johri (Goldsmith) to identify your hidden skills, because asli Sone ki parakh toh sirf Johri hi kar sakta hai na.

Secondly, you need to understand that there won’t be a situation where you will find one of your childhood friends who is now a Multi-Millionaire and gives you a secret formula of success.

(Are you also thinking- 21 din me pese double:P)

Well, this happens only in movies and imagination. There is no hidden formula for success.

The Real-world works differently, practically, to be precise. You just need a Johri around you who believes in you, your potential and wants you to achieve immense success in life. It can be your crazy friend, totally clueless colleague or the super-cool boss ( If you don’t have a cool one, please ignore and move ahead). You just need a person who believes and push you to do what you think you can not.

People who push you to do better allow you to know what you are worth

With people who always cheer you up and believe you can do anything, you should never let a growth opportunity pass. Whenever there is a situation to work on something different from what you are hired to do, accept it happily. It may be challenging at first, but it would go a long way for you to figure out your potential and value.

As Bunny rightly mentioned, don’t have Dal Chawal every day. Life me thoda bahot — Pizza, Paneer Tikka, Hakka Noodles bhi hona chahiye na. (I am a Pure Veg, in my imagination too :P)

If you won’t try anything new, how would you know that you can do more than what you thought about yourself?

Failing after trying is always much more satisfying than not trying at all. Even when you believe that you won’t be able to do it successfully, you shouldn’t stop trying new things. You never know when that perfect moment comes your way, surprising you with your abilities.

The next time if someone is motivating you to do something extra, don’t think that Yar ye toh peeche hi pad gaya. I am doing the work given to me correctly, then why do extra?

Aur wese bhi agar kuch extra ho toh bass Momos ki chutney and pani puri ke baad sukhi puri hi accha lagta hai, right?

I know now you are craving either one of them or both; it is both for me 😛 but just a few lines more, and you are free to go back to working or eating momos or pani puri. Your call!

The moral of the story -

You should feel lucky that someone is trying to push your limits and want you to do something extra or different. Try not to say I can’t do it; it’s not my work over and over again. Considering the extreme case scenario: the motivator can be 99% wrong, but the possibility that the remaining 1% can hit the bull’s eye is undoubtedly worth your time. You should consider it as it can shift your life to a new vertical, to a new beginning of more possibilities.

So, Instead of ranting and feeling bad about the extra work, face the challenges and get the damn work done. It will make you a better professional who strives for personal growth.

I am not a writer. I never thought that I would be writing something that can be considered ‘Thought Leadership.’ But here I am, writing, as I was asked the same question: Hey, you are doing great work. Could you also try doing this?

Between ‘Aam Zindagi’ and ‘Mentos Zindagi,’ I chose the latter. Although the article may feel unsatisfactory to professional writers, I am happy that I tried, and so should you. You just have to say YES!

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Originally published at https://thewiseidiot.in on March 25, 2021.

