Is your life how you live it?

Aditya Sharma
The Wise Idiot
Published in
4 min readJul 2, 2018

A Pilot? Professor? Astronaut? Musician?

You must have heard millions of times: Never give up on your dreams, and you definitely never should. But if it were that simple, it wouldn’t be called life, would it? You’ve worked hard all of your life, wanting to become what you have dreamed of. You did everything you could; you studied hard, gave up so many things, made sacrifices to reach where you are today.

But was it something you wanted to become? An employee sitting at a desk in a corporate office? A person crowded around people who he/she can’t tolerate?

I am sure you didn’t plan your life like this, but if you think your life is not good just because you went on a different path, well, you are wrong. You should be proud that you did everything you could and are still working hard to provide for your family. When your family is proud of you, why shouldn’t you?

Working 9 to 5 daily can be a hard thing to do, and most people tolerate it for the money, but then why not? You need money; your family needs money. The world runs on money. Make it a part of your life, just not your whole life.

Accepting your life just as it is: you have to do a job you hate, live the same day every day; isn’t worth the only life you will get. You have to make your life worth it; it is never the other way around.

Spend time with your family, every chance you get:

There is nothing more to life than family. Everything seems perfect when you are with them. If you think that weekends are for completing additional work, you have seriously gone wrong somewhere along the path. You are not just for earning money for your family; you are the family. Spend time with them, every chance you get. Play with your children, go on a picnic, take a vacation. Live a little for your happiness’ sake. Jobs will come and go; assignments will never be over, what will remain is family.

You ask what the Holy Grail of Happiness is? It has always been and will always be FAMILY.

Meet your friends other than your colleagues:

You know how it is when you meet your old friends. If you have the burden of work or any other problem, meet your friends and talk it out. You won’t even remember what you were cursing your life for. Give them a call, bother them, make plans together, go out, eat, enjoy. You will get to know how much more your life has to offer. Your life is what you will make it, and friends are the building block of that life.

Watch an episode of your favorite TV series before you go to sleep:

As irrelevant as it sounds, it is revolutionary. Before I go to sleep every day, I make time to watch an episode of ‘The Office.’ Surprisingly enough, I sleep with a smile on my face. You have worked hard all day, the least you can do for yourself is sleep like a baby. And not a cribbing, bawling baby; but a happy, relaxed baby.

People underestimate the power of movies and TV series and deem them only as a source of recreation or entertainment. But trust me, they are a gateway to heaven. The feeling you get when you feel that you have traveled to a different world, the happiness you feel when they get to live ‘Happily ever after,’ is a contributing factor to make your life worth it. Do find a good TV series you feel can make you happy and watch it before you sleep.

Treat work as work, not your life:

Work is something you do for someone else, treat it that way. It should never affect you on a personal level. Leave your work at your workplace and pick it up from there the next day. Does taking your work home make you happy? Does it make your family happy? No, right? Once you leave office, you become a family person. You’re no longer an employee.

To be practical, whatever you thought your job would be and whatever it turned out to be, it doesn’t matter. What matters is your present life and how you make it worth living.

Dumbledore once told Harry, ‘It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.’

We wish you the happiest of life.

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Originally published at on July 2, 2018.

