Proven ways to cheat your Imposter Syndrome

The Wise Idiot
The Wise Idiot
Published in
4 min readMay 18, 2020

Having a strong work ethic is rare as most people either don’t have the dedication or the skill for their job. However, we are not generalizing this. We’re sure that many of you burn the midnight oil when the time calls for it. Over time, we have categorized people based on their work ethic into freeloaders and hard workers. Which one are you?

Are you constantly paranoid about your work no matter how much others reassure you that it’s going great? It’s a feeling crawling in your gut and clutching your heart that you cannot fathom. And no, the feeling isn’t love. Your mind may also constantly have these thoughts: ‘It could have been better.’ ‘I just got lucky with the team working with me on the project.’ ‘It was an easy project, to begin with, so if it is well received, it is not going to be a big deal.’

Dear overachiever, please take a deep breath.

We may not know you well enough, but we can assure you that you are not alone. You most likely suffer from the Imposter Syndrome — the feeling of inadequacy and doubt in self-worth that persists despite clear evidence of an accomplishment.

Read on to unravel the various layers of your Imposter Syndrome and the measures that you can take to tackle it.

What is Imposter Syndrome and why do I feel that way?

Imposter Syndrome is the belief that a person has only succeeded purely on luck and not because of their talents or qualifications. If you know somebody that over-works and strives to achieve perfection beyond the existing standard, we request you to give them a hug and your most reassuring words as they are most likely suffering from this syndrome.

Where does it all begin?

Researchers believe that it depends on the traits that an individual possesses such as anxiety and paranoia. If, as a child, you felt that you only deserved to be loved and respected if you work hard enough, then it’s likely that you suffer from the Syndrome. No matter where the roots lay, it is important to rip them out before they have lasting consequences. Perhaps, the best way to do this is to understand the Syndrome better.

What are the feelings associated with Imposter Syndrome? The Luck-by-Chance effect

People who suffer from this syndrome often believe that their accomplishments are only a result of luck or well-construed external factors working in their favor. They believe that without these factors, they would have never achieved any level of success.

Failure is the Worst Fear

They pressurize themselves to put in their best at all times because failure can never be a possibility. Paradoxically, success also becomes an issue because it brings forth added responsibility and pressure to maintain the set standard. It is a lose-lose in every way.

It’s All a Pretty Mask

The victims of this syndrome feel that they have achieved success because of their ability to deceive people into believing that they are more competent when it is contrary in real life. They believe that they don’t deserve awards, promotions, and other accolades and that it was given to them as a ‘mistake.’ Consequently, they feel phony and unworthy of their position.

Success is no big deal

They often downplay their success and have a hard time accepting compliments about their work. They think that their success is no big deal and that anybody in their position would have achieved it, if not, done it better.

How do I deal with Imposter Syndrome? Acknowledge and talk about it

The first step is to acknowledge the fact that you have the syndrome. We suggest that you express your worrying and self-deprecating thoughts to those that are close to you. You can consult a psychiatrist that helps tackle this syndrome. There may be others that also suffer from this syndrome and talking about it might help you recognize them and find some moral support.

Assure yourself

Instead of believing that you are not worthy of success, assure yourself that failure is just a learning curve and you deserve success as much as anybody else in your position. Rewrite your mental programs and condition them to believe that you are worthy of all the accolades bestowed upon you.

Consider the context

Sometimes, when you feel inadequate and useless, remind yourself that it is just the syndrome that is harboring such feelings within you. Some situations may make you doubt your abilities and potential to execute a task. In such cases, you need to just consider the context and remind yourself that your inability to handle one situation does not make you an overall failure.

Love yourself

Your work is a success and it is not because you got lucky. It is because you possess skills that are fruitful enough to convert any project into a ground-breaking masterpiece. Be kind to your own mind. Realize that, at the end of the day, you are a human being with real feelings and emotions. You are allowed to make mistakes every time you step out of your comfort zone or do something you are not particularly good at. Make sure to reward yourself every once in a while. You deserve it.

With the entire world pinning against you, your biggest enemy cannot be your own mind. We know that coping with the imposter syndrome is no cup of tea and that is why we mean it when we tell you that you have our full support. Feel free to connect with The Wise Idiot in case you need some dose of therapeutic advice.

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Originally published at on May 18, 2020.



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