Stay Idiot, Stay Wise

The Wise Idiot
Published in
3 min readOct 9, 2019

About two months ago, I started working with The Wise Idiot. It was a rather perfect choice, given the circumstances with respect to my academic field and the kind of environment I was in. Looking for any and all kind of experiences to gather and accumulate and learn to keep busy was the perfect and most correct choice for me.

Before I talk about what I experienced and learned at The Wise Idiot, I would just like to give y’all a heads up about how great your interview will be if you get a call from them! Trust me when I say this. I was absolutely in my comfort zone and it almost felt like we were long lost friends having lunch and catching up on what’s been going on in our lives.

Coming to more important things, there’s a huge list of things I learned from this Idiotically Wise place. But, there are three significant ones I’m going to cherish for a lifetime.

It’s all about the team!

Remember how as kids we were taught that there are two kinds of sports-the solo/individual sport and the other was team sports. Do you also remember how the parents decided that team sports will be the best for the child, given they wanted their child to learn the important values of teamwork, unity, and respect?

Well, working at The Wise Idiot is something like that, every person here counts and respects each other’s views and ideas. You can be sure about giving out your ideas with a carefree nature and rest assured, your ideas are being acknowledged.

An Organised Organisation

Well, if anyone asks me what’s the one quality I built in myself over the past few months, I can say with utmost confidence that I am a lot more organized than I was!

Sure, I was a little slow in learning it, but I know for a fact that this is the place that helped me realise how great it feels to be organised.

Be it the emails, calls, or a list of things written everything here is done in an organized manner. Well, if there is a tip I would give anyone who’s going to be working here in the future, I would say each morning when you come down, make an agenda of what all you’re going to work that day, and time will pass by in a jiffy as and when you follow the list.

And lately, this new quality that I’ve built has helped me realize that I have a hidden love for lists!

Details. Details. And Details.

Most importantly, I learned about the importance of details. It could be the smallest thing that one is working on, but doing it while keeping all the details in mind makes a lot of difference! Let that particular something be a write-up, a drawing, something you’re talking about, the key to a good anything is detailing.

Well, to add the details to the jokes you crack also matters.

In other news, crack an enormous amount of jokes, have fun, cry, laugh, share ideas, views, opinions, have deep conversations, and end up doing a mini session of a laughing club!

Like I said, fun.

Well, I can assure you about the fun you’re going to be having at The Wise Idiot and also a huge amount of learning and growing, and here’s one I can vouch for, jokes in a bulk!

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Originally published at on October 9, 2019.

