The Social Dilemma serves a wake-up call

The Wise Idiot
The Wise Idiot
Published in
3 min readOct 9, 2020

While the entire world was confined to their homes and people depended on social media interactions, Netflix released its latest documentary ‘The Social Dilemma’ by Jeff Orlowski. A modern-age horror film, the documentary delves into the dark side of social media and how algorithms and dopamine rushes influence our lives, behaviour and actions.

In roughly 90 minutes, a handful of former employees of Twitter, Google, Apple, Facebook, Uber, Instagram and more recount their ethical concerns over the shifting tides of social media and power. This created discomfort between the users and brands that thrive on social media and invoked introspection. Simply put, showing the negatives prompted them to change lanes and move in a positive direction.

Users reclaim their attention

As the users analyzed the impact of social media, they wished to break their dependency on these apps. The path wasn’t as simple as deleting it altogether because people still wanted to connect with others online.

Many people started practising limited usage of social media and increasing face-to-face interactions. They spent time building their own opinions and reasoning on important issues rather than finding a suitable one.

Brands leverage algorithm power for the good

A big part of ‘The Social Dilemma’ focused on how tech giants algorithmically manipulate data to keep their eyes glued to their feed also known as “doom-scrolling”. This is effectively visualised on-screen through an interesting dramatisation starring Vincent Kartheiser as three avatars. They cunningly throw in ads, push notifications, in-app interaction suggestions and more to further pull the consumer down the rabbit hole.

Brands quickly realised that the power of this algorithm could be leveraged in a positive way. They worked towards using the algorithm to spread a positive message and purpose of the brand. Their content wasn’t just about knowing the brand’s name but making people believe in them and their purpose.

Leverage the tools for growth

By watching the negative side of social media, many people, especially brands, found the path to positivity. The eye-opening facts about data-surveillance prompted brands to find an ethical way to collect and analyse data. It encouraged them to be more transparent with their analytical practices.

Furthermore, the documentary educated them about the right way to utilise analytics and promotional tools on the various platforms and as a result, gain sustainable and positive growth.

Nurturing a community

Along with presenting the power of the algorithm, the documentary brought to light how brands initially used social media as a platform for greater connectivity and increased accessibility but lost their way in the race for attention. This taught brands to add more value to their content. As important as it is to engage with your followers, it is equally important to create an impact on them and create a community. A good way to nurture a community is by presenting facts and having genuine interactions with your audience.

Users educate themselves

The documentary compelled users to further research about the business model used by advertisers and tech giants to tether them to the platform. They observed the tactics a few powerful entities used to divide people and pit them against each other. On studying this, they made conscious efforts to curb their negative usage habits.

Tristan Harris, Google’s Former Design Ethicist says, “The race to get people’s attention isn’t going away and technology is going to get more integrated into our lives, not less.” Thus, brands and other users should be more careful about their actions on social media and try to leave behind a more positive social media presence.

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Originally published at on October 9, 2020.



The Wise Idiot
The Wise Idiot

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