What type of donkey are you?

Deep Shah
The Wise Idiot
Published in
2 min readJan 12, 2019

We’re all donkeys.
Feel bad? Can’t accept this fact? Then you probably are the stubborn one, too. Deal with it.

This is no metaphor to hard work or perseverance, nor of the horrendous animal instincts that we suppress. It is, in fact, the direct result of our behaviour — which we so keenly emulate from the poor farm animal.

I’ve never liked donkeys. (Do I hear PETA outside my door?) Anyway, the reason for this dislike is that despite being extremely intelligent and strong, they give in to petty stupidity at the wrong times. But wait — isn’t it people that usually do that?

That brings me to the point — if we’re all donkeys, how is it that some of us are better than the others? Because, my friend, there are two categories of donkeys:

1. Donkey Donkey
2. Smart Donkey

And, they both want the same thing: carrots. Getting something. Isn’t that the entire point of living?

The Donkey Donkey category chases the carrot it’s entire life, but can never get it. The farther he runs, the farther the carrot gets. In the end, he dies. #RIPbuddy

The Smart Donkey category is true to its name. Instead of running after the carrot, he eats the carrot that is already with him. He eats it peacefully and happily moves ahead, never having to worry about running. #ThugLife

Happiness is the carrot. We have two options: run behind it, or relish what you have. All you need to do is decide: what type of donkey do you want to be?

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Originally published at https://thewiseidiot.in on January 12, 2019.

