Why is there a 15% increase in Indians studying abroad?

Divyank Jain
The Wise Idiot
Published in
4 min readOct 11, 2021

Whether it is the quaint British countryside for an arts-related higher education or a technology-related course in Singapore (where 37% of all millionaires have capitalized on the boom in the digital tech and AI industry) statistics have made it clear that the number of Indian students studying abroad has undergone a drastic increase, especially more so in the past three years.

More than 18 million Indian people were living outside the country in 2020. More than 10 million people of Indian descent moved abroad between 2000 and 2020, according to government statistics. Indians are continually moving away from their birth country to follow their professional dreams. The Indian Ministry of External Affairs reported that more than 750,000 Indian students were studying in foreign schools in 2018.

After China, India ranks second in the number of students pursuing a foreign education, and more Indian students are leaving the country to move abroad every year compared to any other nation. This figure is only expected to increase, since there are an estimated 115 million students in their last two years of school or college, at least a quarter of which will be moving to foreign countries according to projected estimates.

Why is this so?

Tough competition for Indian universities

Entrance exams for Indian universities keep getting tougher to crack. The number of candidate seats remains the same, while the number of applicants exponentially increases every year. The admissions process for prestigious government universities, in particular, is made more difficult due to the rigorous pattern of the entrance exams. In such cases, many students opt for the chance to study abroad at reputable schools, which are comparatively easier to get into. Courses like engineering, medicine and psychology, particularly, have very high cut-offs and stringent requirements.

Reduced cost of study

In certain European countries like Germany and Norway, international students do not have to pay any tuition fees. By simply taking care of the living expenses and a nominal university fee, they can comfortably live and study in famous cities like Munich, Hapsburg, Oslo, Berlin and Cologne. Additionally, there are various scholarships for international students in every country which can be utilized to fulfill the fee requirements.

It’s best to apply for as many scholarships as you can, since some of them are very competitive. Most scholarship trusts start their registration process as early as November, so students should keep checking portals for information. In Europe, especially, many allowances and grants are available for students.

Wider range of courses

Many courses like World Literature, Anthropology, Linguistics, Biomedical Engineering etc. are not commonly taught in Indian universities. However, some students still wish to pursue these, which makes them go abroad for their higher studies. Many US universities have qualified faculty and extensive resources for these subjects, and students can also discover new career options and minor in relevant subjects to increase the value of their degree. They’re also able to get information about specialization and associated future prospects.

Greater exposure

One of the reasons international students are drawn to foreign universities is their large scope, which gives them more international exposure. Colleges with big campuses tend to have a more diverse student body, and consequently, a wider selection of clubs, organizations and initiatives to become a part of.

Additionally, there are also many opportunities for mingling with people from different socio-economic and cultural backgrounds, which encourages a deeper global understanding of various world issues. Studying abroad helps to broaden one’s horizons and become a more well-rounded individual. Also, the amazing alumni networks and greater employment opportunities also play a huge role in motivating students to pursue an education in another country.

Permanent residency

Countries like Canada, Australia and Germany have immigration-friendly work permit programs, which are ideal for international students who want to study and work abroad. Under these programs, a student can obtain a work permit of up to 3 years, depending on the duration of their course. Germany, in particular, also offers a placement program for students who wish to stay back after completing their studies.

An education in the country you want to settle in makes it easier for you to apply for permanent residency. Many students wish to move abroad in pursuit of better work opportunities or a wider selection of postgraduate courses, and they usually start at the undergraduate level. Staying in your country of choice builds trust that you will be a valuable citizen.

With all these reasons in place, it’s no wonder why the number of outbound Indian students is steadily increasing. Most universities start their admissions process in August-September, which makes it the right time for you to start researching and shortlisting schools. You might be confused between two different countries or even two different programs. In such a case, you should apply to both and wait for the decisions to make your choice.

Transcripts, grades, recommendation letters and extracurriculars are very important for your application to stand out from the crowd, but an even more crucial component is the statement of purpose, which really shows the person behind the applications. It should be professional and well-written, and while it might seem like a lot of work, it’ll be worth it when you get an acceptance from your top-choice university.

Need help with your SoP? Contact us today!



Divyank Jain
The Wise Idiot

Linkedin Top Voice, Co-Founder: The Wise Idiot® I love to talk about people, philosophy and purpose driven content marketing.