A Morning With Kjerstin Bell, Good Day Spokane Anchor

Dena Ogden
The Woodsy
Published in
4 min readFeb 17, 2017

Editor’s Note: There’s busy, and then there’s Kjerstin Bell. I met Kjerstin shortly after moving back to Spokane in 2012 (before I ever saw her on TV, I swear!) and she’s every bit as lively and lovely as she comes across on the small screen. I was thrilled that she was willing and able to share some insights with us about what a normal morning for her looks like because — spoiler alert! — it’s a peek behind the scenes of both preparing for daily TV appearances, as well as being a working mom…

Name: Kjerstin Bell

Where did you grow up: Seattle

Where do you live now: Spokane

What is your career path?: I went to USC and majored in Broadcast Journalism, and had my first job in Farmington, New Mexico. From there, I came to Spokane, then went to Indianapolis. Ultimately, love brought me back to Spokane. And, now I’m an anchor on Good Day Spokane.

What other passions do you have?: skiing, definitely. And reading a good book. Lately, I’ve been into sci-fi and post-apocalyptic fiction.

Where can people find you on the internet?: Facebook, Twitter, Fox 28 Spokane

Favorite things about the Northwest?: fishing, pheasant hunting, and walks along the Spokane River

How do you take your coffee?: I’ll drink cold gas station coffee if that’s my only option! When I have a choice, I go for espresso with an orange slice.

How do you prefer to take notes: On a post-it

Favorite season in the Northwest?: All of them. I love the variety here. If you enjoy the outdoors, there’s something new every season.

How do you protect yourself from the rain and deal with inclement weather?: with a simple rain jacket.

Walk us through your morning routine:

3:45AM: my first alarm goes off

4:00: I better be out of bed and in the shower. I use the basement bathroom to get ready and blowdry my hair, so I don’t disturb my husband or my son. When I’m done downstairs, I pack my lunch and snacks, which always includes a string cheese.

4:50: I need to be out the door!

5:00am: I’m typically arriving at work. Meeting start soon after that, and I do my makeup and usually do some social media, too.

6:00am: my back-up alarm goes off. Thankfully, I’ve only needed it once! Back at home, my husband is with our son until our nanny comes.

7:00am: Good Day Spokane starts

I’m sorry, did you say 3:45am?: Yes! When I was still nursing my son, it was 3:30, so I could pump before I left. It was awful, but I have no regrets. I just did it, that’s what working moms do.

So, have you always been a morning person?: Not always. But, I’m pretty regimented and structured, so in that way this routine works for me. If the routine gets disrupted, it’s stressful, but having this structure has taught me patience and dedication.

How do you motivate yourself for the day ahead?: I think about how life’s a balance. I work hard, but I also play hard. Once I’m up though, it’s a train and it’s not going to stop. I joke about it, “the wake-up train.” [laughs] I better be on the wake-up train, otherwise the day is not going to work.

What do you like about mornings?: I like the newness of mornings. I like that I’m the first to tell people things, and to give them their news for the day. It’s a privilege when people bring me into their homes for that.

What do you like best about working in TV news?: The most rewarding part of my job is meeting new people and telling their stories. And, how sometimes when people are at their worst, the community steps up.

How has becoming a mom changed your view of work?: I struggle with trying to balance it all. Being a working mom is challenging as I want to give 100% to everyone.

What’s your best advice for other women when it comes to career and family?: I should follow this advice! Make time for yourself once in a while, and ask for help. I once asked a neighbor to watch my child for a half an hour while I paid bills…that’s not glamorous is it? Once, I had my nanny stay late so I could read the final chapter in a book I was reading. It’s the little things, I suppose!



Dena Ogden
The Woodsy

writer | part 80s/part 90s | very PNW | words also on The Atlantic, R29, Bustle, Romper, et al | she/her