Contribute to The World at 1°C

We don’t want your money (unless you’re rich or a Fund manager)

Demand Climate Justice
The World At 1°C
3 min readSep 2, 2017


Firstly dear reader, we’d like to thank you for kindly reading through our material and checking out our website. It’s awfully kind of you! You’re probably here because either you’ve ended up down the wrong rabbit-hole of the Internet, or because you’re interested in learning more about the work we do, and how to get involved.

Well in case you’re the latter, here’s the story. The World at 1°C is a volunteer-led initiative, involving activists from across the globe. To publish our materials, we rely on people’s donated time, efforts and resources. This is no perfect model, and we’re still experimenting with ideas to see what we can do to change it (let us know if you have any thoughts!). We know that donating and giving up precious time for social change can be taxing, draining and demotivating. But if greeted with gratitude and respect, it can also be deeply rewarding and enriching.

If in spite of all this, you’re interested in getting involved, have a look over the list below, which shows some ways you can give a hand. If any of these gain your interest, drop us a line at:

Time: The World at 1°C is run by volunteers. If you are interested in getting involved, don’t hesitate to get in touch to volunteer! We need everyone, from scientists to singers, musicians to meteorologists, poets to policy wonks, campaigners to cartoonists, doctors to designers, farmers to philologists, activists and artists!

Resources: The World at 1°C is entirely self-funded. We rely on volunteer time and community funds to nourish our activities. If you are interested in helping support us financially, don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Specific skills: graphic design, artwork, research, translation, big picture thinkers, podcasts, photography, videographers, social media ninjas. You are stars, and we have so much to learn from you.

Connections: to anyone who can help with the above, the funders, to movements on the ground, to others who are breaking out of the silos of traditional “climate communications”. If you are an organization — share with your networks? If you find this useful for your work, consider supporting us to make sure we can keep doing this work and do it better.

Movements: We want to hear from you. Amplify your stories, learn about what types of resources you would find useful that we could provide (basically all digital) what educational tools or the like would you find useful?

Suggestions: We are not communication experts and while we have strong opinions, we try not to be dogmatic. The World at 1°C is a living experiment, learning and changing as we go. So if you have any ideas or tips, feel free to share!

One of the largest obstacles to a strong climate justice movement has been separation. We have created too many silos, and failed to build the necessary bridges and solidarities. To overcome this obstacle: we are intensely open to collaboration, not just out of principle, but simply because none of us have all the answers.

Our Promise

On a final note, we want to be totally honest with you. We have no desire to exist for the sake of existing— our aim is to write and campaign our way out of existence. We don’t see ourselves as “voices for the voiceless”, “the platform of platforms”, “the movement of movements” or anything like that.

We’re simply hoping to elevate others, disseminate the good work so many people are doing, and put our time into making useful things to help clarify the world around us. We also have little intention to make this the dominant climate platform, or compete with others for attention.

So we promise to you that we won’t take ourselves too seriously. We won’t try to deceive you with fundraising emails. We won’t paint ourselves as something we’re not. We’ll not urge you to get involved unless we’re fully open to it. And we won’t hassle you, unless it’s truly necessary.

We look forward, dear readers and writers, to being held accountable on our promise.



Demand Climate Justice
The World At 1°C

Global justice writings on the climate crisis and the struggles for a dignified life