5 Best Memoir Writing Books for Every Writer

Learn how to tell your story from these experts

Lee G. Hornbrook
The Writing Prof


Photo by Erin Song on Unsplash

Memory, like the weather, is a fickle lover. It’s inconsistent, moody, and tempestuous at times. It’s inconstant and it changes its mind. Memory isn’t a hard and fast file system in your brain. It’s an ever-evolving dynamic interaction between present happenings and our remembrance of an event.

Because of memory’s inconstant nature, the art of memoir — telling the story of a piece of one’s life — is as difficult a writing task as they come.

We live in a golden age of memoir. Just scanning the papers each day, you can learn of all the new celebrity memoirs released or about to be released. People’s lives are interesting. We learn how famous people became famous and how successful people became successful. We learn that even the rich and famous have their faults and shames and have to put their pants on one leg at a time.

You don’t have to be famous to write a memoir. Everybody has a story to tell that may be interesting to others. There is a big difference between 1) writing your story, and 2) building an audience and doing the marketing necessary to get your story to its intended audience.

So let’s deal with one thing at a time: writing your memoir. You’ve decided you have a story to tell…



Lee G. Hornbrook
The Writing Prof

Writer, Writing Coach, Writing Process Expert. I can help you become a better writer. Follow at leehornbrook.substack.com