If You’re Serious About Learning to Write, Check Out Story Club with George Saunders

A substack community about short fiction, writing, and kindness

Lee G. Hornbrook
The Writing Prof


Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

Newsletters are a thing. Writing about writing is a thing. Writing about writing and writing newsletters about writing on Medium is a thing.

Most new writers on Medium don’t really want to learn how to write. They want to learn how to make money writing by blogging. And there are lots of “writers” who write articles — and sell courses — just for them. Y’all know who you are.

When most people think of good writing, they think of someone like Leo Tolstoy. A hundred years from now, we’ll all still be talking about Anna Karenina and War and Peace, while all these essays about “how to write on Medium” will be forgotten. And good riddance, because most of it is a bunch of garbage.

If you really want to learn how to write, you must seek out the best resources about writing. (I can also help you with your writing process— just ask!).

But first, let me tell you about three of the finest resources you’ll ever encounter to help you learn about writing — an author, a book, and a newsletter.

George Saunders is most definitely a thing, and his Story Club with George Saunders is the best…



Lee G. Hornbrook
The Writing Prof

Writer, Writing Coach, Writing Process Expert. I can help you become a better writer. Follow at leehornbrook.substack.com