Life Lessons: Water Aerobics Makes a Splash

Scissor Kicks and Lunges for a Stroke-ster

Bonni Brodnick
The Writing Prof


Photo by Taylor Simpson on Unsplash

I feel weightless as I scuttle to the edge of the pool. With my speech at a new, slow cadence that I have trouble getting used to, I explain to the water aerobics teacher that I had a stroke.

So, if I was a little slow with the lunges, twists, and v-kicks, that was why. The teacher assured me that the class was perfect for rehabilitation and total body strengthening.

On water aerobic days, I was proud to be driving myself to the gym. I worked hard to have the privilege reactivated. There was an entire day of reviewing Rules of the Road in Occupational Therapy, six hours of behind-the-wheel driver’s ed with an instructor, and a written driving test. After all of that, I was always grateful and glad to get to my destination.

Once at the gym, I changed, walked slowly onto the pool deck, and eased myself into the shallow end. The water was always warm. I appreciated these simple moments, like the uplifting feeling of my slack muscles getting stronger.



Bonni Brodnick
The Writing Prof

Writer. Creative. Thinker. Humorist. Author of "My Stroke in the Fast Lane" + "Pound Ridge Past." A proud Stroke Survivor. Visit me at