The Writing Process

When Writing Goes Wrong, and How to Fix It

Look to your writing process to get going again

Lee G. Hornbrook
The Writing Prof
Published in
5 min readMar 2, 2022


Photo by Timo Volz on Unsplash

As writers, we control far less than we would like in the entire process from blank page to finished or published product.

For bloggers and online writers, we don’t control the reading algorithm, our story exposure, curation methods, audience interactions, and often presentation of our profiles to our audience. On Medium, we do control our headlines and subtitles, our choice of images, our text, and our signature sign-off. But there is still so much we don’t control.

For writers in more traditional print medium, once a publication is accepted, we hand over much of the creativity process to editors, copy editors, fact checkers, publishers, lawyers, printers, and the like.

So, as writers, what do we control? And what can we do when things go wrong with our writing?

As a writer, you control two things: (1) your learning and (2) your writing process.

Writers are Learners

A lot of people romanticize writers. They sit in ivory towers and write perfect prose that just flows off their pens in perfectly elegant swoops and swirls, nibbed pens dipped into inkwells and blotted so it…



Lee G. Hornbrook
The Writing Prof

Writer, Writing Coach, Writing Process Expert. I can help you become a better writer. Follow at