An Ensorcelling Craft.

Efe Nakpodia
Published in
May 9, 2021
Relief of Sun God Ra, Temple of Kom Ombo

Speak, my love
And I’ll share with you a secret
Only known by scribes
And messengers of the gods.
I want you to bathe in the light of its mysteries
So speak your words
And let me capture the sounds of your breath
In a picture framed with nothing but your emotions
And the music of their locution.

Speak slow, my love…
And watch me transform the things you say
Into runic hieroglyphs
And enchanting phonic symbols,
Remoulded to muse from mortal…
As you cast spells with your liquid sword
Like a magic wand,
Shaped by the tip of your tongue.



Efe Nakpodia

—i am an imagist • iDream • outLOUD • my fourth book of poetry titled “iFELL in LOVE; i’m SORRY” is now available on Amazon:) xoxo