Dance-floor Antics

Poppy Beth Conisbee
2 min readDec 4, 2017


It’s time to leave;
One last check for ID and keys,
Scramble for change,
Take a drink for the journey.

Cover yourself
in glitter and dance,
dance the hurt away.
Dance so the pain in
your heart is the pain
in your feet.
Pop pills till you can’t see,
do keys until the base is
in your lungs, and you’re
drowning in the sound.

Forget to breathe.
Who needs air anyway?
Words pour from my mind
and float into the ether,
dissipating into the
thumping baseline.
It’s war on the dance-floor;
battles for love and life
play out under flashes of light
and dips of darkness.
It is chaos.

I hold onto my name,
It is the only thing I know
for certain.

Thank you for reading, I’ll be trying to post more regularly form now on but life is always chaos, eh? I’ve set up a cheeky link to my PayPal, so if you like what you read (and can afford it) you can buy me a drink!

