
Geometry of a Kiss

Uma Valerie Carruthers


Lean in now
until your mouth’s
curvature abuts mine
and our borders converge
then merge in an osculation divine.

Kiss me

Lips melting into lips.
Tongue plunging onto tongue.
Infinitely slowly and long,
we breathe each other’s
humid breath, deep,
full and strong.

The rush from your kiss
sets fire to my soul but
a hasty copulation
will not be the goal.
Our coitus must wait for
its song to be sung.
Let’s stretch out this kiss
while time’s on the run.

Inspired by the line, “A humid kiss is better than a hurried coitus,” from The Perfumed Garden of Cheikh Nafzaoui. With props to Taryn De Vere and Efe Nakpodia.

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Uma Valerie Carruthers

Writer since forever. Reader of everything. Mystic who still has to find her way to the restroom. Born dancing. Lover of art and how life imitates it.