
a welcome note

Efe Nakpodia
2 min readFeb 28, 2017


Sterling Graves

Hello good people of Medium. Thanks for stopping by and welcome to TheWrytr.

Starting a publication is something that’s been on my mind since I joined Medium a few months back, so I finally decided to bite the bullet.

There are several literary publications here, where readers can find amazing poetry, brilliant short stories, and helpful writing tips. So do we really need another one? Probably not.

So, I have created TheWrytr with the intention of creating something a little different; something more alluring; something beguiling.

How I go about achieving this will be the stuff good stories are made of but I intend to make this publication a place where words, art, and photography coexist harmoniously, in a stream of well curated stories.

Here, you can expect to find poems and short stories with concepts that revolve around the idea of beauty and fantasy.

The objective is to leave the reader feeling as if they had an out-of-body experience.

It’s all about the user experience.

I think people need escapism, so maybe my purpose in writing fiction is to provide a world compelling enough that someone wants to escape into it —Heath Houston

Imagine a place where readers can simply observe the awe and beauty of the universe for a minute or so.

That’s the vision I have for this publication. The idea may not be crystal clear yet, but I suppose it will all make sense someday.

Thanks for reading and welcome once again.

iDream. iWrite. i am.

If you’re interested in writing for this publication, please respond by leaving a comment below and I’ll add you as a wrytr.



Efe Nakpodia

—i am an imagist • iDream • outLOUD • my third book of poetry titled “White Noise and Third Wheels” is now available on Amazon:) xoxo