Trish Hanson
Published in
1 min readMay 24, 2017


She lost herself along the way
in thinking love could be real
even after the many years
it took her broken heart to heal

She blindly let another in
and as her walls did crumble
she opened up her lonely heart
which only made her stumble

She lost herself when her heart found love
and she let it in without thought
but love misguided her lonely heart
and now she is feeling distraught

She lost her way by trusting love
and thinking that it could be true
mistaking that the concept of love
can become very hard to construe

She lost her heart when it gave love
and love did not reciprocate
hence her heart she shall trust no more
for love she will now obliterate



Trish Hanson

Trying to figure out this thing called life and embracing the darkness along the way.