My Team

And our wild, wild dreams.

Noha Medhat
1 min readApr 13, 2018


Cristina Cerda

The misfits
And the crazy ones,
The artists
And the freaks.

The warriors
And the tiny dancers,
The dreamers
And the geeks.

The ones who dare
To say “I’m different,”
And out loud
They always speak.

The ones who declare
They’re brave enough
To murder hate
And fear.

The ones who fight
For empathy,
And conquer
The darkest spheres.

The ones who refuse
To conform
Or stick to rules;
They breach.

Oh how you’re proud
Of your social anxiety,
And how you talk about
Mental illness with ease.

To all of you
I’m grateful,
And I admire
Your audacious strength.

I can’t wait
For the day
Weirdos win the war,
And introverts rule the world.



Noha Medhat

I think in rhyme and I write what I feel; whatever that may be.