Nature’s Gift

Experiencing peace, beauty and life.

Alma Writer
2 min readNov 28, 2019


Photo by Ales Krivec on Unsplash

I am standing on the edge,

Glancing down at the world below me.

The forests, hills and seas spread beneath me,

An endless carpet of Nature’s most beautiful and untouched parts.

The forests are a lush green, with raindrops adorning the velvety leaves, sprinkled like glitter upon a masterpiece.

The artist, Mother Nature, is indeed, the best.

The chirping birds, calling out to each other in this lone world that is their own, resound the bliss that I am experiencing.

The cool air kisses my body, gently embracing my soul with its earthly smell and gentle touch.

The mud swirls around me, as the wind carries it, guiding it into a rapturous dance, reflecting the joy in my own heart.

I spread my arms, close my eyes and take a deep breath.

As the air gushes down my lungs, filling me with pure oxygen and euphoria, an indescribable peace settles over me.

Indeed, Nature is the only thing, that can bring us so much joy and blithe emotions, offering to us, a peace that no one else can give us.

God bless Her!



Alma Writer

Sensitive Indian teen keen to play a role in God's beautiful yet destructive creation- this big, bad world.