On The Beach At Night Alone

Jo Zhouzheng
Published in
1 min readOct 9, 2017
Photo by Jo Zhouzheng

I watched
a movie today.
It’s called
on the beach
at night alone

She gently touches
and kisses a flower,
soothing my wrenching
pain of loss and longing.
I broke down in tears.

She curled up on the sand,
staring out to sea —
you appear on the horizon,
standing in the mist
with a straight face.
No expression, no expression.

“Watching the bright stars
shining, thinking of
the universe and the future”.
It is these melancholy
and unspectacular moments
that penetrate me.

Just like how loneliness
makes me tremble, but
brings ineffable pleasure,
as I’m finding my solace
in nature.

