
Danielle Nolan
Published in
1 min readMay 9, 2018

The witch sneered
that I had a heart of stone,
so stone I became.

Since I only used my hands to hurt,
she stole my touch. Since I never
had anything pleasant to say,
she stole my voice. Since I never
saw the brightness within others,
she dulled my vision to monochrome.

As a neglected statue, I observe.

At first, I was furious.
Then, very unexpectedly, I fell
in love with the humanity around me.
There is beauty within and around
all of us, if you only stop
long enough to see it.

Perhaps, there’s even beauty
within me too.

This drabble is a part of a challenge that I embarked upon last year; to write 200 drabbles (stories that are exactly 100 words) from 200 hundred prompts. This is number #31, Stone. Thank you so much for reading.



Danielle Nolan

Fantasy writer, dragon rider, teacher, musical firefly, otaku, dreamer.