THEY — Chapter 22 — Connection

Caralynn Scott
8 min readJan 8, 2024
Unsure whether she should go to Laybo’s quarters or not, Jennic makes a surprise connection that changes the course of her life.

This is chapter 22 of my book “THEY”. If you are finding it for the first time, please begin with Chapter 1 (or check the INDEX )! When you’re done, check out more of my stories on my MEDIUM profile: Caralynn Scott — Medium

All material is original and copyright © Caralynn Scott.

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Note: This chapter contains some content that may not be suitable for younger audiences.

CHAPTER 22 — Connection

Apart from an odd glance in each other’s direction there was no communication between any of the small group of friends. For the rest of the day, Jennic and Laybo did not say a word to each other. None of them wanted to draw attention to their band of rebellious misfits and none of them wanted to jeopardize their chances of escaping the facility. At one point, Jennic and Fenlow exchanged a lingering look. She was certain he knew about her meeting with Thoralin, and that Laybo had to endure one too, but she did not have an opportunity to speak with him in private and they were forced to continue their afternoon with the question remaining unanswered.

Evening crept in and the population of the facility began heading to their private apartments. Jennic watched Laybo enter the cube and disappear before she could even dare to walk toward the transport. All day, she had been thinking about Dr. Bilang’s words. Could she do it? Was it worth the risk? Why had the Dr. even told her about the cubes anyway? Perhaps the Doctor was testing her; the conversation that ‘never happened’ could have been a way to see if the message Thoralin had communicated had ultimately taken root. Perhaps getting on the cube and going to Laybo’s apartment in the manner Dr. Bilang had suggested was exactly what they were watching for and entirely the wrong thing to do. But the temptation was just too strong, and the opportunity was right there, lying openly before her. She had to go, even if it was a trap. She simply could not bear being separated from him any longer, particularly when they were so physically close all day but could not speak openly. She simply had to see Laybo.

Even after she entered the cube and the doors closed, Jennic was lost between the conflicting paths. She stood for several minutes, paralyzed by the contradicting possibilities and their possible consequences. Twice she opened her mouth to speak but was unable to make a sound.

The cube may have been unintelligent, but it was well programmed, and after it felt it had waited long enough, it began to voice its concern in the only way it knew how, “Destination please?” it asked. But Jennic continued to stare at the doors, still uncertain what to do. The Cube tried one more time, “Please state your destination.”

In what was more of a reflex than a conscious effort, Jennic blurted, “Go to Laybo”. She immediately covered her mouth with her hand, surprised at herself for her involuntary outburst. Her mouth and her voice had made the decision for her, without the inhibitions of conscious thought confining her to the more rational approach. Her stomach flopped in surprise like jelly on a plate, exaggerated by the sudden downward motion of the cube, which had instantly jumped to the task at hand.

“Passcode please?” The cube queried.

Jennic still wondered if she was doing the right thing. Probably not. But it was done. She did not want to go back, now that the cube was in motion. “Correction” she said, then leaned back against the wall laughing at the password, as if she was telling the cube she had made a mistake. Regardless of whether it was the right decision or not, she was committed to this visit.

Feeling mentally exhausted by the tension she had bottled up within her, she very nearly burst into tears, but excitement was also mounting in her. She was not turning around.

The Cube quickly reached the end of its long slide left and Jennic prepared herself for the doors to open. After the slower step forward, the doors hissed slightly as they slid open. It almost felt to Jennic as if the cube were leaning forward, as she felt propelled by a gravitational force pulling her from it. She almost stumbled and fell on the floor but caught herself before she ran full on into the room.

Laybo looked up at her from his couch as if he had been expecting her all along. Jennic’s insides churned, but this time it was not worry or fear that set the cauldron boiling, it was desire.

Laybo stood, spreading his arms wide, welcoming Jennic as she threw herself at him. The two embraced each other and did not let go. Separating only enough to stand face to face, inhaling and exhaling each other’s breath. The thought of air coming from inside Laybo’s lungs entering her even for a few moments, made her feel connected to him — as if a part of him had become a part of her.

Neither spoke. Laybo leaned his forehead toward Jennic’s and they touched gently, staring in each other’s eyes mere centimetres apart. Rolling his head, chin forward and forehead to the right, Laybo maneuvered his mouth closer to Jennic’s and their lips touched gently. Something primal stirred within Jennic. Something she had never felt before. Something instinctual, as if pre-programmed. The exhilarating sensation of their lips touching set her whole body on fire and everything else melted away. She felt as if they were floating in a vacuum where nothing but the two of them existed.

Gently, she caressed Laybo’s lips with her own, exploring every inch as they slid from side to side. No sentient thought entering her head as the experience became all consuming. Their hands began exploring, learning, memorizing the shape of each other’s bodies. It was intoxicating and Jennic wanted more.

Laybo stopped kissing her for just a moment and without taking his eyes away from hers, he reached around to the clasp on her tunic, undoing it so that it fell loosely from her shoulders. Jennic slipped it off, revealing her thin, muscular chest. Then it was her turn. She undid Laybo’s tunic and removed it. What she saw fascinated and amazed her. It also excited her even more. Laybo’s breasts were round and firm. His body as muscular as her own, but curved in ways that drew her along them, like the gentle chicanes of a racetrack. She traced the shape of his waste with her left forefinger, swooping in and then back out to his hips and around the bend, stopping as she reached the maximum extension of her arm.

Laybo reached into Jennic’s trousers, making her jump. Nobody had ever touched her there. He grabbed hold of her penis which was now erect and hard. A shiver of delight ran up and down Jennic’s spine and she stiffened uncontrollably. Laybo smiled. Any clothes that remained were quickly cast aside and somehow, without being fully aware of it, they found themselves on the bed, still wrapped in each other’s embrace, continuing to explore their increasingly familiar, intertwined bodies.

Jennic was fascinated by the smoothness of Laybo’s body, the way he was so much the same and yet different; by the unusual parts that were there, and by the parts that were not. Everything seemed to happen naturally, automatically, as if their bodies knew what to do and they were simply along to enjoy the ride. A memory of the contented look on the apes’ faces flashed in Jennic’s mind and instantly she understood.

Laybo reached under Jennic and turned her from her side, onto her back, then, in a motion that reminded her once more of the silverback, Laybo climbed on top of her stretching her arms and legs on either side of her and began to insert her inside himself.

It hurt some, but it also felt so good that Jennic ignored the uncomfortable feeling. The dampness inside Laybo helped Jennic slide easily despite the raw sensation at the top of her penis. Then, just as the ape had, Laybo began a rhythmic motion that soothed the pain and Jennic felt a euphoria rising in her she would never have believed possible let alone imagine. It was intense and electrified every cell in her body. She closed her eyes and grasped Laybo’s hips encouraging more motion.

Suddenly, it felt like she exploded.

It took a few more moments before she could open her eyes, but when she did, she looked up at Laybo’s face. He also had his eyes closed and seemed to be engrossed in his own feeling of intense pleasure. He did not stop but continued the motion. Jennic began to feel uncomfortable, but the look of contentment on Laybo’s face was enough to bear it for his sake. He groaned and writhed for a few moments more, and then stopped abruptly.

Looking down at her, his slightly longer hair falling and framing his face, he smiled, then let his weight settle on her chest. Still connected at the hips, He lay slightly to one side of Jennic who slipped her hand up to Laybo’s left breast and gently traced its curve.

This was the contented feeling Jennic had seen on the apes faces. She finally understood what all the fuss had been about in the books she had read. What she did not understand was how anyone could consider this wrong, as she had always been told. How had humanity ever given this up? How could something that gave so much pleasure be anything but ‘right’? Surely this was the way things were supposed to be, not the way she had been taught! If that was the way they wanted to live their lives, that was fine for them, but Jennic could never go back. Not now that she was discovering more and more who, or what, she truly was.

Laybo gently rolled himself off Jennic, kissed her on the cheek and walked towards the shower. “Here’s a towel to clean up.” Laybo tossed the absorbent cloth at Jennic who wondered why for a moment until she realized a damp fluid was gathering between her legs. Had Laybo left that behind when he left? No, she realized, that had come from her.

“I’m sorry,” she began to say, “I didn’t know I was making a mess.”

Laybo laughed, “It’s fine. It happens. Just clean yourself off and come join me in the shower.” Jennic did, squeezing into the tiny enclosure only slightly larger than the two of them, but space did not matter to her as it only forced them closer, still exploring each other in the hot dampness of the falling water.

They did not dress again after the shower, but instead connected one more time. This time, the discomfort was somewhat less, and the pleasure even more intense. Jennic wanted to feel this way forever but felt she would probably die of pleasure if they did. They never spoke more than a few words, and yet Jennic felt like the conversation never ended. They were communicating not with their vocal chords, but with their bodies, and the conversation was intoxicating.

Two hours after she arrived, Jennic dressed and prepared to leave.

“Thank you.” She said, “That was… incredible.”

“Will you be all right?” Laybo asked, as if their encounter was the most normal thing in the world. Perhaps it had once been, in a world long ago, but no more. Jennic was not certain why Laybo had asked, but she was far better than simply all right. She was euphoric, elated. Still floating on a cloud. She whispered, “yes” and entered the cube transport ready to return to her own apartment. This time, it was she who gave Laybo the sly smile as the doors closed in front of her.

“Home” she said quietly, and the calm, almost lyrical sound of her voice surprised her. It sounded so content, so at peace, like there was absolutely nothing wrong with the world, and no-one and nothing could go wrong.

Next: Chapter 23 — Surprise



Caralynn Scott

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