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Attempts At Writing A Resignation Letter (№3)

Etienne Toussaint
They Talk Different Here


Dear Betty

Let me explain / I do not hate you / I feel sorry for you / you are too tall to hear us laugh / to high up to see us smile / too busy to notice our Lego blocks are painted in the colors of the rainbow / Ms. Santiago says when we use all our colors / even the ones outside of the box / we help others see / we become imagination / we become the best kids of color she’s ever seen / that’s what she says / I want to be more than shades of black on white / I want my black to be beautiful / we want more / we want to be more / haven’t you noticed / Freddy done left / crafting stained windows across the carpet / Susan done gone / carving precious stone on the other side of the room / haven’t you noticed / prolly too tall to see our dreams / but I feel like its only right I let you know / we no longer climbing your ladder / we no longer building your castle / we decided to leave / decided to build our own house / rain won’t find us there / sun will shine bright there / no more ceilings to break / no more walls to build / on my word / everyone will call it home / finally we will be home

– Your former associate

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Etienne Toussaint
They Talk Different Here

Writing day & night like I’m running out of time. Follow me @etiennet_esq