User Interface Design Ideas: Amazing & User-friendly — vol. 23

A selection of works created by top UI and app designers for mobile and web

✨ They Make Design ✨
5 min readSep 17, 2021


Visual UI story milkinside

👨‍🎨 Gleb Kuznetsov✈
👥 Milkinside

visual ui story


👨‍🎨 Webshocker — Matjaz Valentar

buttons ui

Calendar & Timeline for Retasks | Lazarev.

👨‍🎨 Lazarev.

calendar and timeline ui

Tinies Animated II

👨‍🎨 Anton Tkachev
👥 UI8

tinies animated ui

NFT Gallery Mobile App

👨‍🎨 Phenomenon Studio | UX/UI & Development

nft gallery mobile app

Voice Morphing interface

👨‍🎨 Gleb Kuznetsov✈

voice morphing interface

Stolz — 3D hero header concept

👨‍🎨 Tran Mau Tri Tam ✪
👥 UI8

3d hero header concept

Tradlr — Onboarding Animation

👨‍🎨 Happy Tri Milliarta
👥 Odama

onboarding animation

Mirror Mirror 2

👨‍🎨 Cosmin Capitanu

mirror user interface

Android Phone App Concept

👨‍🎨 Minh Pham ✪

android phone app concept

Financial App — Personal Assistant Animation

👨‍🎨 RD UX/UI
👥 RonDesignLab

financial app user interface

Hiring the best company that is focused on app design and development is important for your business. That is why you have to make sure that you will be able to know why you have to invest in this aspect. If you’re branding, you must focus on several intertwined strategies and techniques. As the behavior among customers is evolving, it is important to become adaptive to the changing business landscape based on the cultural shift among them. Hence, it is crucial to know the reasons why you really need the best app design agencies. There are a lot of choices, so to speak.

Since there are billions of smartphone users worldwide at present, it is necessary for you to consider going mobile. Yes, the approach should be mobile based. That is why you’re advised to get the right mobile app company to help you in this regard. By doing so, there can be an assurance that you will be able to hit the intended objectives and goals. So, you really have to invest your money in the right marketing strategy. In this sense, it is the use of mobile apps that you should not take for granted.

It is necessary for you to consider the non-technical skills of the developers as well. In this case, you have to specifically focus on their conceptualization, design sense and problem-solving skills as well. Hence, this is very important so you have to understand why and how it works and the effects that it will bring to your business. When it comes to mobile and web application development, there are various factors that must be considered.

The first factor — that is — if you’re going mobile or not — we’ve already discussed above. It basically refers to how customers are engaging with each other at present. According to the research conducted on many mobile sites, 66% of them are using their mobile phones to access information. The second factor is the size of companies that will be involved in this aspect. Mobile application development company you choose should be able to deliver real results for your business.

The third factor is whether you’re investing money on traditional methods of advertising or mobile advertising. It is obvious that if you want to buy traffic, then it will be necessary for you to consider both options (traditional and new technologies). Hence, it is also important for you to know why mobile application development services are effective in driving organic traffic results.

The fourth factor that you have to consider is the approach that you’re going to hire. You have to consider that if you’re using the app development company for commercial benefits, then it is essential for you to focus on app development companies that are focused on fixed-bid. It is important for you to know how many tasks they can take in terms of time. Hence, there are also other factors like when they will provide the final product, when they can deliver it and so on.

You must also be aware of the aspects related to the current state of your industry in which you operate in order for them to be able provide an effective solution. Whenever you plan to invest in the development of the necessary applications, it is essential for you to consider that drawing a well-thought-out business strategy is not an easy task. It is essential for you to be able to choose the best app design company at present. If your business needs the best app development company, then it is important for you to get answers so that your business will be able to do good things at it’s peak levels.


For most people, hiring an app development company is complex. Thus, they need to know what factors to consider so they’re not taken advantage of. If you’re willing to hire the best ui ux design agency, you must be prepared to spend money on it.

You need to know how much it costs to develop the app that you want. You also have to collect as many details as possible about your project before you can hire the right mobile app development company. Hence, having good knowledge about your industry can help you choose the right one. As mentioned earlier, they must be able to develop the best app for your business needs instead of developing something that will not be effective in driving results for your business.



✨ They Make Design ✨

A team with 10 yrs of experience in branding web design and UI/UX.