Mobile UI/UX Design Examples: Advanced & Cutting-edge — vol. 82

The great design development inspiration for your next app

✨ They Make Design ✨
7 min readJul 7, 2021


Fitness App — Running Tracker

👨‍🎨 RD UX/UI
👥 RonDesignLab

fintess app running tracker

Finance Mobile App

👨‍🎨 Dmitry Lauretsky
👥 Ronas IT | UI/UX Team

finance mobile app

Layout (015) — Scōtt, mobile app menu

👨‍🎨 Robbert Schefman

mobile app menu

Voice Assistant Application

👨‍🎨 Alex Arutuynov 🤘

voice assistan application

Recipe App

👨‍🎨 Arya Wijaya Kusuma
👥 Plainthing Studio

recipe app

💵 Transactions Overview + Detailview Mobile Application

👨‍🎨 Diana Palavandishvili
👥 Fintory

detailview mobile application

Plane Ticket Booking App Animation

👨‍🎨 Conceptzilla

booking app animation

Health Assistant App

👨‍🎨 Ahmad Sulaiman
👥 Plainthing Studio

health assistant app

NFT Mobile App Animation

👨‍🎨 Happy Tri Milliarta
👥 One Week Wonders

nft mobile app animation

Diving App Design 😁

👨‍🎨 Budiarti R.
👥 Orely

diving app design

Borderless credit app: Payoff User Interaction

👨‍🎨 Maciej Dyjak
👥 Netguru

credit app user interaction

Travelin Mobile App Interaction

👨‍🎨 Rafi Rohmat
👥 Odama

travel mobile application

Smart Home App

👨‍🎨 Imran Hossen
👥 Orizon: UI/UX Design Agency

smart home app

Parking lot mobile app design concept

👨‍🎨 Riko Sapto Dimo
👥 Orely

parking mobile app design concept

Task & Project Management App

👨‍🎨 Conceptzilla

project management app

The importance of a mobile app development agency is given due consideration when it comes to influencing your target market. The question now is: Why? Simply because it is for good. By doing this, your business is in good hands. Your brand is going to thrive as you will be able to penetrate the audience from whom you can get your sales and profit. You have to understand that in terms of numbers, this year alone unfolds around 6.1 billion users of smartphones worldwide. This figure is not just simple to think of. It has a dramatic attachment to the implication why you need a mobile app. The following are the most significant ways why you need a mobile app development agency:

1. Gain Access to the Market

It is not an exaggeration to say that this is one of the most important reasons why you have to hire a good mobile application development company as your partner in terms of making your business flourish. You need to understand that there are several things which you can’t simply do by yourself. For instance, it is not just easy for you to develop a platform wherein people who come from different parts of the world and using different kinds of devices can have access your products and services. Instead, your target market would rather find out more about other businesses which offer better services and quality products than yours. So you have to go for the agency who will help you with this matter. The marketing agency will create an environment that is going to host the right kind of market. You can be assured that the platform is going to showcase your product or service which is attractive and informative.

2. Increase Your Revenue

When you make your business flourish, it is not as easy as it seems like. You need to understand that the harder your work, the harder it becomes for you to penetrate and win over customers’ hearts as they are used in having a certain amount of trust on what they have experienced before with other businesses. When you have a good iOS mobile application development agency as your partner in your network, you will be able to provide the best services and products to your customers. After some time, they will surely know that you are not just one of the business and start patronizing more of what you have for them to avail. Hence, it is going to increase your revenue.

3. Brand Recognition

One way for people all over the world to know about what kind of business brand you own is by creating an effective mobile app. When the platform is just right and eye-catching, it would definitely help people know about what products or services that businesses offer.

4. Front-end support

Any good mobile application development agency will offer you the sort of front-end support that can help you with the look of your app. When creating an app, depending on what kind of platform it is for, you have to consider a specific way of designing it to fit with the specific style that your business is for. So when a person has a question about how to design it, they can always come up with a mobile application development company and explain them in detail. Front-end developers will help you with creating your application.

Why do you need an app development company in order to have a profitable business? For one thing, you are not an expert in creating platforms and apps that can help convert sales. Add to this the experience of having developers who have created other similar apps before for other businesses. They can also tell you how to make it better if you are not sure how to play it out. When you have such a good mobile application development agency as your partner, they would know exactly what they are doing and how far they can go with their work on your business’s behalf.

5. SDK

As what we have mentioned in the previous point, when designing an app, you have to consider certain guidelines and standards which are known as design guidelines for instance.

JavaScript developers know how to do this and many other things which are part of web development and design. They will be the ones who can create an app which is both informative yet attractive to your target market. So you don’t have to worry about having any problem with your apps in terms of design and style. They will be able to help you as much as they can with the same matter.

6. Web Development

The kind of web development experience that they have isn’t just a basic one. They are known for their track record to help you with the conversion of your customers. It is for this reason why you have to choose them to work on your behalf. With the right mobile application development agency, you can be assured that your website will look just right and attractive. But if you do it by yourself, there is always a chance for failure to come in the picture which is not going to go well with your business goals. Hire web developers who can help you with this matter.

7. Security

When you are not able to understand certain security features of your mobile application, it is advisable that you seek the help of those who understand these things better than you. Developers know how to secure apps and websites. They have the experience and skills on what they are doing. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be able to pass the standards of ISO 27001 which talks about security for a particular platform or app and many others like this one as well. When you need a good mobile application development agency, choose someone who can help you with this matter.


You can have an idea of what kind of mobile application development company you need when you have read all these points. When choosing one, make sure that they are able to fulfill your requirements. You can also check out other things that they have to offer if you want to go further with them for the same matter. Once you decide on their services, choose the best one who has a good reputation. You can also look through their reviews and see what clients say about them.



✨ They Make Design ✨

A team with 10 yrs of experience in branding web design and UI/UX.