Best Website Design Inspiration

Selection of web design works for inspiration. These are marketing websites created by top web designers and front-end developers.

✨ They Make Design ✨
27 min readOct 16, 2019


Last updated: February 21, 2024

Welcome to the essence of digital presence: a website not only serves as a gateway to a brand’s soul but also a canvas where functionality meets artistry.

Here, we collect meticulously crafted websites, each a testament to distinct parameters: intuitive layout, engaging visual design, seamless user experience, responsive frameworks, and compelling content.

Dive into our curated gallery of website designs, where each pixel tells a story, each interface invites interaction, and every element is a deliberate stroke of strategy and style.

Explore, engage, and be inspired by the confluence of creativity and technology.


👨‍🎨 Ramotion — web design agency

web design agency

This website design strikes an elegant balance between visual allure and user engagement.

Hero image is a captivating gateway into the site’s core theme of exploration, complemented by a clear, inviting call-to-action that beckons visitors to start their journey.

The structured layout, with its card-style elements for destinations and journeys, utilizes a harmonious color scheme that reinforces the site’s brand identity while ensuring an intuitive and aesthetically cohesive user experience.

Smart Home Decor Company — Shopify Landing Page

👨‍🎨 AR Shakir
👥 Shopified

shopify landing page

The website presents a refined, minimalist aesthetic that highlights its modern living products with clean lines and a neutral color palette that exudes elegance.

Product presentation is front and center, offering a clear, uncluttered view that makes browsing straightforward and appealing.

Typography is bold and readable, reinforcing the brand’s modernity, while the navigation is streamlined for an optimal user experience.

NFT Landing Page Design

👨‍🎨 Ghulam Rasool 🚀
👥 Upnow Studio

nft landing page design

The website’s design radiates a futuristic vibe that aligns perfectly with the cutting-edge nature of NFTs, utilizing a dynamic, isometric design that makes the featured content pop.

Use of a vibrant color gradient and neon outlines gives it a distinct digital feel, while the hexagonal shapes used for user profiles and call-to-action buttons provide a unique, thematic consistency.

Design not only captures attention but also encapsulates the essence of the digital marketplace it represents.


👨‍🎨 Sunnee
👥 RaDesign

desktop website client

This website showcases a clean, friendly interface with a harmonious blue color scheme that evokes trust and reliability — key for a platform offering private storage solutions.

Playful yet clear iconography and the prominent, unambiguous ‘Download’ button make for an inviting call-to-action.

Overall, the design’s simplicity, coupled with visually engaging graphics, ensures an intuitive and pleasant user journey.

Website Header Exploration — Simantap Online Payment ✨

👨‍🎨 Dhefry Andirezha
👥 One Week Wonders

website header exploration

The website uses a dark theme with vibrant purple accents that exude a sense of sophistication and modernity, apt for a fintech platform.

Central visual — a hand holding a card — along with the bold headline, succinctly communicates the core service of making online payments.

Combined with the streamlined ‘Get Started’ button and the display of trust signals such as transaction volume and user count, is strategically designed to reassure and convert visitors.

Together — HR Agency Marketing Website

👨‍🎨 Maria Brilkova
👥 Unikorns Agency

hr agency marketing website

The website design is a testament to minimalism with a twist, presenting a striking geometric layout that meshes photography with bold color blocks to grab attention.

Its clean typography and a well-organized content structure speak clearly to its messaging, promoting team building and HR services.

Design embodies a modern, approachable brand personality, inviting interaction while maintaining a professional look and feel.

File Sharing Landing Page

👨‍🎨 Emy Lascan

file sharing landing page

The website design employs a deep blue gradient background that conveys a sense of security and privacy, aligning well with the theme of anonymous file sharing.

Central file transfer interface is clean and user-friendly, with a minimalistic form that simplifies the user experience.

Contrasting ‘Transfer’ button is a clear call-to-action, and the overall layout is optimized for ease and efficiency, which is essential for utility-focused services.

Bento — Website Illustration Builder Concept

👨‍🎨 Tran Mau Tri Tam ✪
👥 UI8

website illustration builder concept

The website’s design is a triumph of modern minimalism, leveraging a soft color palette that is both inviting and indicative of the creativity it’s designed to facilitate.

Isometric illustration centerpiece is engaging, showcasing the product’s capabilities in a playful yet informative manner.

With its bold, clear typography and an ample white space, the design promotes a sense of ease and focus, directing users naturally towards the ‘Get started’ call-to-action.

website concept for virtual assisstan

The website exudes a sleek, contemporary aesthetic with its dark theme and vibrant neon graphics, which serve to symbolize innovation and the cutting-edge nature of virtual assistant technology.

Bold, sans-serif typography makes a strong statement, capturing attention and ensuring legibility, while the ‘Let’s talk’ call-to-action is subtly highlighted, inviting immediate engagement.

This design effectively marries style with functionality, creating an immersive user experience that’s both visually stimulating and user-centric.

Social Media Landing Page

👨‍🎨 Caglar Cebeci

social media landing page

The design of this website is a testament to clarity and functionality, with a crisp, clean layout that intuitively presents the platform’s social media management tools.

Use of familiar social media iconography alongside a light color palette ensures a user-friendly environment, while the detailed analytics dashboard is presented in a way that is immediately understandable.

It’s a design that speaks to efficiency and ease of use, catering to professionals looking to streamline their social media engagement.

Enef — NFT Marketplace Website

👨‍🎨 Adhiari Subekti
👥 One Week Wonders

nft marketplace website

The website harnesses a dark theme with neon accents to create a vibrant and immersive atmosphere that is very much in tune with the NFT digital art it showcases.

The layered, floating card design for the featured NFT adds depth and highlights the artwork effectively, making it the focal point of the user’s attention.

Coupled with sleek, modern typography and a clear call-to-action, the site is designed to captivate and engage enthusiasts in the realm of digital collectibles.

Moknote • landing page header

👨‍🎨 Juliette Lagache
👥 isavelev

landing page header

The website design is a breath of fresh air with its light color scheme and soft, gradient-infused graphics that suggest organization and tranquility, which is apt for a file management system.

Central graphic cleverly illustrates the concept of file centralization, and the straightforward headline communicates the primary benefit immediately.

Get your beta account’ button is positioned as a natural next step, promising an intuitive path towards an organized digital life.

Cryptonium — Cryptocurrency Landing Page

👨‍🎨 Arya Wijaya Kusuma
👥 Plainthing Studio

cryptocurrency landing page

This website design captures the essence of modernity with its deep blue color scheme and dynamic, neon-like illustrations that evoke the innovative spirit of cryptocurrency.

The interface is rich with data visualization elements that promise the user a comprehensive and engaging experience.

Calls to action are prominent and inviting, and customer testimonials are seamlessly integrated, enhancing trust and credibility.

Cryptocurrency Marketing Website Hero | Part 2

👨‍🎨 Sepide Moqadasi
👥 Piqo

cryptocurrency marketing website header

The website design leverages a cosmic theme with an abstract, geometric graphic that resonates with the futuristic and high-tech nature of cryptocurrency.

Вark background with vibrant graphics creates a strong visual impact, while clear, concise messaging and well-defined calls to action, such as the ‘Try free trial’ button, stand out to guide the user’s journey.

Key statistics are smartly displayed to build credibility and convey the scale of the platform’s reach and user trust.

ZER0 /* No-code website builder */

👨‍🎨 Alexander Plyuto 🎲
👥 ooze

no-code website builder

This website design effectively communicates the ease and simplicity of a no-code platform through a soft, approachable color palette and layered graphic elements that mimic the building blocks of app development.

The central message is displayed in a conversational font that adds a personal touch, inviting users to engage directly with the app creation process.

Prominent ‘Try for free’ call-to-action is well-placed, encouraging users to experience the product’s simplicity first-hand.

Task — Landing Page

👨‍🎨 Wildan Wari 🐊
👥 Vektora

task landing page

The website’s dark theme is masterfully employed to convey a sense of sophistication and power, appropriate for a business-focused platform.

Vibrant pops of color draw attention to key areas such as calls to action and important metrics, while the clean, modern typography articulates the site’s message with clarity.

Screenshots of the platform interface are strategically placed to provide a transparent, trustworthy preview of the product’s environment and capabilities.

landing page: homepage

👨‍🎨 Vladimir Gruev
👥 heartbeat

landing page homepage

The website design harnesses a minimalist monochromatic color scheme, emphasizing the sophisticated nature of digital data analytics.

Abstract graphics provide a conceptual visualization of data analysis without overwhelming the user, and the bold, clear typography asserts a confident message.

Clean design approach, combined with a prominent ‘Get started’ call-to-action, positions the website as both user-friendly and professional.

Website Hero UI

👨‍🎨 DStudio®

website hero ui

The website design adopts a dark, sleek background that effectively accentuates the vibrant case study cards, drawing the eye directly to the company’s work portfolio.

Bold numerical value denoting ’35 Years Of Combined Experience’ immediately communicates authority and expertise.

The layout is clean, with a focus on content that showcases the company’s milestones and services, which is likely to instill confidence in potential clients.

HealthCare — Landing Page Design

👨‍🎨 Choirul Syafril
👥 Keitoto

healthcare landing page design

This website employs a crisp, clean design with a refreshing blue and white color palette that instills a sense of professionalism and clarity suitable for a healthcare data management platform.

Dashboard interface is presented with a clear hierarchy and an array of data visualization options, emphasizing the platform’s analytical capabilities.

Key features are neatly organized and described with succinct copy, ensuring that potential users can quickly grasp the tool’s value proposition.

JDT C4D Banner 4 Website Visual Design

👨‍🎨 秦能补拙的大表哥

website visual design

The website’s design commands attention with a striking isometric graphic that vividly illustrates the high-tech essence of smart technology solutions.

Вark backdrop sets a dramatic stage for the vibrant, detailed artwork, emphasizing the website’s core message of innovation and trust.

The ‘View’ button is neatly positioned as a clear call to action, inviting users to learn more about the company’s offerings in a visually compelling environment.

We make stuff happen 🙌 — Marketing Website

👨‍🎨 Tran Mau Tri Tam ✪
👥 UI8

marketing website

The website design is playful yet professional, featuring a whimsical 3D illustration that adds character and speaks to the creative capabilities of the marketing services offered.

Use of soft colors and ample whitespace gives the site a clean, modern feel, while the engaging headline ‘We make stuff happen’ is both bold and motivational.

The “Social media bootcamp” button is a bright, inviting call-to-action that stands out without being obtrusive, inviting users to explore the services provided.


👨‍🎨 Vadim Drut
👥 heartbeat

website header exploration

The website utilizes a stark, dark background to make the vibrant, holographic number graphics pop, creating a focal point that is both visually stunning and informative.

Large, colorful numbers not only draw attention to the quantity of classes offered but also add a dynamic, modern feel to the site.

Visual treatment, paired with the straightforward and easily navigable layout, conveys a sense of innovation and quality in the online educational space.


👨‍🎨 Tran Mau Tri Tam ✪
👥 UI8

web hero header concept

The website design is fresh and engaging, with a friendly character illustration that immediately humanizes the tech product, making remote work approachable and relatable.

A soft, pastel color palette lends an air of calm and order, suitable for a platform promoting productive work from home environments.

Use of clean, sans-serif typography and a clear call to action ‘Get started now’ presents an inviting user interface that’s easy to navigate and visually appealing.

nft marketplace web design

The website design is a visual spectacle, featuring a mesmerizing 3D jellyfish that symbolizes the vibrant and dynamic world of NFTs.

Deep blue background creates a sense of depth and space, giving prominence to the glowing, ethereal quality of the featured artwork.

Bold, clear typography and succinct messaging complement the striking visuals, while interactive elements like ‘Explore’ and ‘Create’ buttons provide clear navigation pathways for users to engage with the marketplace.


👨‍🎨 Levi Jones
👥 unfold

smartuv web concept

The website design offers a clean and serene aesthetic, aligning perfectly with the product’s promise of a safer and cleaner living space.

Use of light colors and ample white space emphasizes the product’s benefit of purity and simplicity.

Trust signals from recognized publications are smartly placed near the top, lending credibility, and the product images are displayed clearly, indicating functionality and design in one glance, which likely increases consumer confidence and interest.


👨‍🎨 Kuldeep Jiyani
👥 MindInventory

cryptocurrency landing page ui

The website design effectively embodies the digital and cutting-edge nature of cryptocurrency trading with its dark theme and luminous, crystalline elements that suggest value and complexity.

The bold, sans-serif typography clearly communicates the core message of speed and security, key attributes for a trading platform.

Strategic use of contrast with the ‘Start Trading’ call-to-action button ensures it stands out, inviting user engagement amidst the visually rich, immersive graphics.


👨‍🎨 Mike | Creative Mints

game developer web design agency

The website design is vibrant and playful, utilizing a bright, monochromatic blue scheme that captures the fun and energetic spirit of mobile gaming.

Isometric graphics and icons are engaging and convey the various elements of game development in a visually appealing manner.

The bold headline ‘The Mightiest Mobile Games’ paired with an easily noticeable ‘Download’ button, gives a clear, direct call-to-action that is likely to encourage user interaction.


👨‍🎨 Gura Nicholson

vpn marketing website

The website’s design communicates security and trust through the use of a dark, muted color palette and a central shield icon, invoking a sense of protection.

Concentric circles around the shield create a dynamic focal point, suggesting layers of safety for the user’s web discovery.

The crisp, modern typography and a clear call to action ‘Download app’ are well-positioned for user engagement, aligning with the site’s promise of an easy and secure way to browse the internet.


👨‍🎨 Tran Mau Tri Tam ✪
👥 UI8

wallet hero header

The website design is striking with its bold use of color gradients and abstract geometric shapes, creating a dynamic and modern aesthetic that conveys innovation in payment solutions.

Large, prominent headline “Payment for any business” is set against a playful yet clean background, making it immediately clear what the company offers.

The design smartly balances creativity with clarity, using ample white space to draw focus to the key message and call-to-action for early access.


👨‍🎨 Jeehom

landing page

The website design is clean and focused, with a dark background that makes the vibrant colors of the credit card illustration pop, effectively drawing the eye to the product.

Headline “Pay Wherever You Go to Make Life Better” is compelling and benefits-driven, matched with a straightforward directive to download the app, making the user’s next step clear and obvious.

Overall layout is sleek and professional, with just enough detail to engage users without overwhelming them, reinforcing the message of simplicity and efficiency in mobile payments.


👨‍🎨 Gleb Kuznetsov✈

ios app web site

The website design captivates with a bold split-composition, marrying crisp geometric shapes with a vivid aerial beach photograph, invoking the spirit of travel.

Сlean, sans-serif typography clearly conveys the functionality and timeliness of the travel tool, and the ‘Download for free’ button is strategically placed for high visibility and user action.

This design effectively balances aesthetic appeal with practicality, inviting users to explore the app’s features further.


👨‍🎨 Sigit Setyo Nugroho
👥 Suasana Studio

website with 3d illustrations

This website design employs a clean and modern layout with an effective use of whitespace that guides the eye to a central, engaging illustration and clear call-to-action (“TRY FOR FREE”).

The visual hierarchy is well-established with bold typography and a limited color palette that highlights interactive elements like buttons, and the incorporation of recognizable brand logos serves to build trust and authority.

The design also suggests good responsiveness, with a layout that appears adaptable to different screen sizes.


👨‍🎨 Vadim Marchenko
👥 Hawl

cinema product landing

The website design showcases a striking contrast with its dark theme, which effectively makes the golden accents and call-to-action button pop, guiding user focus.

High-quality image of the phone and the dynamic, futuristic background graphics emphasize the innovative aspect of the product, aligning well with the theme of “Innovation solution.”

Clean typography and minimalist navigation ensure a user-friendly interface that doesn’t detract from the central messaging.


👨‍🎨 Dmitry Lauretsky
👥 Ronas IT | UI/UX Team

hr management landing page

he design of this website exudes a sleek, professional feel with a dark mode aesthetic that’s gentle on the eyes, suggesting an interface designed for prolonged use, which is ideal for HR management tasks.

Use of vibrant gradient backgrounds provides a dynamic contrast that draws attention to the main call-to-action, “Get Free Trial.”

Interface showcased within the page uses subtle colors and ample spacing to highlight key information, ensuring a clear and focused user journey.


👨‍🎨 Phenomenon Studio

lens promo website

The website design captivates with a dark, sophisticated color scheme that underscores the premium nature of the smartphone lenses, and the 3D render of the product is prominently displayed, emphasizing its quality and design.

Clear, concise typography of the headline “Cinematic quality shooting on your smartphone” immediately communicates the product’s value proposition, and the strategic use of orange for the “Add to cart” button stands out against the dark background, drawing attention to the key conversion point.

Overall, the layout is clean, focused, and conveys a high-end technological feel.


👨‍🎨 Bogusław Podhalicz

banking fintech web design

The website design instantly engages with its vibrant color gradient background, which evokes a sense of innovation and ease associated with modern digital banking.

Floating credit card graphics add depth and focus on the ease of transactions, and the playful, yet clear typography of the main message “Payments have never been easier” is well-positioned to grab attention.

Calls-to-action buttons are smartly highlighted, promising a user-friendly navigation experience.


👨‍🎨 ZAN

landing page

The website design employs a striking dark theme that highlights the vibrant, detailed illustration of the data cloud service, effectively capturing the essence of modernity and technical sophistication.

Bold, sans-serif typography used in the headline “Data Cloud Service” is both readable and attention-grabbing, ensuring immediate communication of the service’s core focus.

Navigation is minimalist and user-friendly, complemented by a clear, inviting call-to-action button that stands out against the dark background.


👨‍🎨 Tran Mau Tri Tam ✪
👥 UI8

hero header

The website design effectively communicates creativity and modernity, utilizing a bright, color-blocked background to frame a bold, straightforward message that appeals directly to UI designers.

Geometric shapes and playful graphics suggest a professional yet innovative toolkit, while the clean and modern typography clearly outlines the site’s value proposition.

Design balances aesthetic appeal with functional clarity, inviting users to explore the design libraries offered.


👨‍🎨 Arinasayy
👥 Cirrus Studio

business landing page

The website design radiates a friendly and approachable vibe with its soft color palette and playful, isometric graphics, which effectively reduce the intimidation factor often associated with customer acquisition platforms.

Use of rounded shapes and shadows adds depth and a modern touch, while testimonials are cleverly integrated to build trust.

Clear, concise calls to action are prominently displayed, encouraging user engagement right from the outset.


👨‍🎨 Benjamin Oberemok
👥 unfold

grabient landing page

The website exudes minimalism and modernity, leveraging a soft, ethereal gradient background that perfectly encapsulates the product’s focus on gradients.

Bold, fragmented typography of the logo cleverly draws attention to the brand name, while the tagline “Making Gradients Great Again” is delivered with clarity and impact.

Central “CONNECT” call-to-action button is neatly emphasized, inviting immediate engagement without overwhelming the serene design.


👨‍🎨 Fadhilah Rizky
👥 One Week Wonders

digital agency website

The design of this website immediately conveys a sense of cutting-edge technology through the use of a striking robot image, symbolizing the fusion of human creativity with advanced digital solutions.

Staggered typography of the headline “HUMANIZE PRODUCT & PLATFORM” creates a strong visual impact, while the neon green accents provide a pop of color that draws the eye to key elements like the “USER INTERFACE” label.

Dark theme accentuates the futuristic vibe, inviting users to delve deeper into the work of the digital agency.


👨‍🎨 18Design

website with people illustrations

The website’s design is minimalist and functional, showcasing the product — Tall People Illustrations — with a playful and engaging illustration that captures the user’s attention.

Clean layout, with ample whitespace and a structured list of features, makes the information easily digestible.

Choice of a simple color palette allows the illustrated content to stand out, and the direct visual cues to file formats and payment options enhance the user experience by providing clear pathways for purchase and download.


👨‍🎨 Orix Agency

web header

The website design for “Edukin” is crisp and user-friendly, with a fresh color scheme that highlights key areas of interaction, such as the search bar and ‘Create Account’ button.

Playful yet sophisticated isometric graphics add a layer of depth and appeal to the interface, inviting users to explore the book collection.

Layout is clear and well-organized, with legible typography and well-defined sections that enhance the overall navigability and user experience.


👨‍🎨 Afterglow Afterglow

social chat marketing website

The design presents a playful and approachable interface, using warm colors and whimsical character illustrations to convey the friendly nature of the “Social Chat” app.

Stylized typography of “Stay COOL With Social Chat” effectively captures the user’s attention, while the hand holding the phone provides a personal touch, simulating a real-world interaction.

Navigation is minimalistic, which allows the call-to-action “Download” button to stand out, making it clear and inviting for user engagement.


👨‍🎨 M Wildan Cahya Syarief
👥 Plainthing Studio

landing page exploration

This website’s design uses a refreshing blue color scheme that evokes trust and security, apt for a privacy protection service like DataLock.

Isometric illustration is modern and engaging, symbolizing the layers of protection offered, and effectively serves as a visual metaphor for the service’s capabilities.

Clear, concise typography and a prominent “Learn More” call-to-action button provide a straightforward path for users to follow for more information.


👨‍🎨 Fadhilah Rizky
👥 One Week Wonders

cryptocurrency bank website

The website design for “Neurolink” is striking, with a dynamic interplay of vibrant purple hues and fluid shapes that suggest innovation and movement, fitting for a cryptocurrency service.

Holographic credit card and the floating spheres add a layer of depth and futuristic appeal.

Sans-serif headline “Discover New Currency” is well-placed and eye-catching, paired with a clear call-to-action that stands out against the dark background, inviting user interaction.


👨‍🎨 Tran Mau Tri Tam ✪ Tran Mau Tri Tam
👥 UI8

wallet hero header

The “wallet.” website design exudes a professional and sleek aesthetic with its dark theme, which sets a serious tone appropriate for a business financial platform.

3D graphics of the phone and abstract elements create a sense of depth and focus on the product’s ease of use.

Strong, clear typography for the headline “Make Paying Easier with Wallet” alongside well-defined calls to action “Download” and “Contact sales” are effectively used to guide users towards conversion points.


👨‍🎨 Fauzi Akmal
👥 Keitoto

design agency landing page

“Design Joe” presents a clean, modern website design with a soft color palette that feels fresh and inviting.

Curvilinear shapes and smooth gradients showcased in the portfolio thumbnails are visually appealing and reflect a strong design aesthetic.

Site’s layout is well-structured with a clear navigation path, and the “Get Started” call-to-action button is strategically placed to draw user engagement.


👨‍🎨 Mian Salman
👥 ConvrtX

story telling landing page

The “fanfun” website design is playful and imaginative, effectively embodying the theme of fantasy with its astronaut and planet illustrations.

Use of soft clouds and a bright, cheerful color scheme creates a welcoming atmosphere.

Prominent “Join us” call-to-action is well-placed against a contrasting background color, making it stand out and inviting new visitors to become members of the community.


👨‍🎨 Samuel Oktavianus

fintech investing onboarding web design

The “INVETO” website greets users with a clean, modern interface featuring a personalized welcome message that adds a touch of warmth and individual attention.

Use of a calming green color palette and abstract financial graphics gives the site a professional yet approachable feel.

Interactive elements like dropdown menus are prominently displayed, encouraging user engagement right from the beginning.


👨‍🎨 Nick Van

glassmorphism web design

The “Tiki platinum card” website uses a sophisticated dark theme with a deep blue color palette, conveying a sense of exclusivity and premium service.

Floating card graphic employs a subtle, futuristic 3D effect that gives the design a sleek, cutting-edge look.

Layout is straightforward with focused calls to action, “Apply Now” and “Read More,” which are neatly highlighted against the dark background for easy navigation.


👨‍🎨 Gleb Kuznetsov✈

personal travel website

The “NATURAL.AI” website design is vibrant and dynamic, utilizing a bright, contrasting color scheme that injects energy and excitement, resonating with the theme of travel and adventure.

Central collage of travel-related imagery, like the splattered suitcase, camera, and airplane, creates a visually engaging focal point that embodies the spontaneity and joy of travel.

Playful typography of the headline “SAY IT AND GET IT” reinforces the message of ease and accessibility that the service offers.


👨‍🎨 Christopher Reath

Wonderful dark theme and horizontal navigation makes the website very unique and immediately inspire and suggest a promotional nature of the website.


👨‍🎨 Gapsy Studio

When we look at the website we immediately think that one day when AR glasses will be our next iPhone, every website will be fully transparent and only some elements of the website will augment the field of view. That’s how this birthday gift website promotes aerostat balloons business.


👨‍🎨 Arthur K

This web page for an architectural design firm is pretty clean and divided on three pars with unique bold typefaces on each one of them. There is also a nice touch of gradients. They add a necessary mood and set the brand color palette.

It reminds us adobe creative cloud hero illustration. There is an interesting vibrant color palette built around primary black and white colors. These color coupled with the 3d illustration make it a very interesting solution.


👨‍🎨 Barthelemy Chalvet

The “mytraffic” website design communicates clarity and efficiency with a sharp, monochromatic color scheme, which underscores the data-driven nature of their service.

Large, bold typography makes a strong statement, while the interactive map graphic serves as an effective visual representation of the service’s capabilities in retail location analytics.

Design is clean, with a strategic placement of a prominent email subscription form to engage visitors immediately.


👨‍🎨 Arthur K

The weather web app interface provides an immersive experience with its realistic raindrop background, effectively conveying the current weather condition in London.

Minimalist typography and iconography allow for easy readability of the temperature and weather status.

Dark mode aesthetic not only is trendy but also ensures the visual content stands out, enhancing user engagement.


👨‍🎨 Permadi Satria Dewanto

This website design employs a vibrant and energetic color scheme that captures the essence of modernity in the financial tech industry.

Illustration of a hand holding various coins, including Bitcoin, serves as an effective metaphor for the accessibility and diversity of the investment platform.

Clear, concise call-to-action buttons “Sign Up” and “See Demo” are strategically placed for optimal engagement and user flow.


👨‍🎨 Julien Renvoye

The website’s design is vibrant and dynamic, utilizing a striking orange background that suggests creativity and energy, ideal for a platform promoting business growth.

Animated character on a rocket symbolizes speed and upward momentum, reinforcing the message of “Rocket your business.”

Playful, yet bold typography is eye-catching and pairs well with the site’s lively theme, while the navigation is sleek and appears user-friendly with clear options for engagement.


👨‍🎨 Valentin Salmon

The design of “Creative Bot” is minimalist and modern, with a fresh, clean layout that emphasizes functionality and ease of use.

Stark contrast of the lime green circle against the white backdrop draws attention to the central image of the smartphone, which showcases the product’s interface.

Along with the succinct header and clear call-to-action “Book a Demo,” effectively communicates the core value proposition of the service in a visually engaging way.


👨‍🎨 Alex Banaga

The “DoNotPay Web Portal” utilizes a clean and organized layout that effectively uses a blue and white color scheme to evoke a sense of trust and efficiency.

Interface is user-centric with clear categorizations, such as “Document scanner” and “Your Scanned Documents,” which facilitate easy navigation.

Call-to-action button “Upload document” is conveniently placed and visually distinct, encouraging user interaction without cluttering the workspace.


👨‍🎨 Olga

The “ITG.Builder” website design is clean and user-friendly, featuring a minimalist aesthetic that keeps the focus on the product — customizable illustrations.

Interface is straightforward, with a prominent search bar and categorization tabs for easy navigation.

Use of whitespace and subtle colors draws attention to the vibrant, featured illustrations and the green “Free Trial” call-to-action button, which pops against the neutral background.


👨‍🎨 Hrvoje Grubisic

The web interface presents a sleek and high-contrast design, with an elegant, dark background that makes the white text and golden-hued product image stand out.

Minimalistic approach to the menu enhances usability and focuses attention on the product categories, suggesting a sophisticated and curated product range.

Overall design provides a luxurious feel, indicative of a premium furniture brand.

Unexpected Sources for Web Design Inspiration

We all have our favorite web sites and sources for keeping up to date with web design companies’ trends, inspiration, and ideas. The problem is, these can get pretty stale. Compare a few eCommerce product pages, and they all basically look the same; lots of white space for a clean look, thumbnails of products, maybe some filtering options at the left or top of the page.

Sticking to these types of formulas does have it’s advantages. People know how it works immediately and can easily figure out how to search, filter, and sort. Trying to be flashy or unique for the sake of uniqueness usually back-fires leading to annoying features and distracting visuals. So how can you find a balance of providing familiar, easy to use web standards on your site while still standing out from the competition?

Keep the good and throw out the boring (and bad). Keep important content, like calls to action, simple and clear, leverage the standards that work for the type of site you are designing, and then have fun. Spend some time getting to know the brand personality and culture of the organization you are working with, then incorporate it into the visual design and content tone of voice.

Become Friends

Some companies exude personality. It is reflected in their products, their web presence, and their physical presence. Everything about them shines through in the design of not just their web site, but every touchpoint with customers. Many of them have a specific value, niche, or focus statements. Disney’s, for example, is to make people happy. They are whimsical and fun, right down to their font choice. Spend time getting to know your client or organization. What drives them? What are their values? What do they want to be known for? Then translate this into adjectives — energetic, practical, friendly, approachable. Use that knowledge to craft visuals and content that reflect those attributes. Chose fonts, color schemes, and graphics that evoke the same sense of personality as those adjectives.

Be Childlike

Look for inspiration all the time, everywhere. Children are naturally curious and can be fascinated by anything they see, hear, touch, smell, or taste. Way back in the 60’s a scientist named George Land developed a test to assess creativity for NASA. He then decided to use it to test children at various ages. He found that children at age 5 averaged a score of 98%, by 15 they were scoring 12%. And adults only score 2%. Over time we learn to follow rules and go with the flow. But we can re-learn how to be creative.

Practice curiosity, and work on your creativity, in your own life by taking time to observe. Collect the things that interest or inspire you, digitally or physically. Think mood board, but for your whole life.


Jot down or bookmark interesting ideas, blogs, and articles. Having a scrapbook of ideas and design inspiration will give you a place to go to when you just can’t think of anything. It also exercises your creativity muscle and helps you to avoid running out of ideas.

Architecture — color, texture, geometry, details

Nature — color, texture, patterns

Everyday objects and tools — form and function

Fabrics — color and texture

Go Beyond

Think not just outside the box, but about the box itself. How was it made? Why did they choose that material? Why are boxes usually brown? Unexpected Sources of Inspiration (USI) is a 10-year-old conference held annually in Paris. This year their speakers included people from all types of disciplines and industries, even Jane Goodall. The conference is “A potent concentration of all things digital, the USI conference challenges, explores and questions the future; artificial intelligence, ethics, design, economy, philosophy, neuroscience….” According to their website, they bring together all these diverse people to open the minds of geeks and bosses alike.

While you may find it difficult to get web design inspiration from scientists who study chimps, the idea of looking beyond the industry or type of site still has merit. Other design areas — fashion, interior, print media, art, industrial — all incorporate similar foundational guidelines on color, proportion, and general aesthetics. Don’t just look at competitive web sites or even websites in other industries. Read magazines for visual stimulation, peruse scientific journals for ways to convey complex information simply, and listen to TED talks for tech and business ideas. Set aside time on a regular basis to explore, take walks, or learn something new.


Be curious about everything you do, and keep track of all your design inspiration sources. Gathering information and input of all types keeps your mind sharp and inspires creativity. Question, observe, and discuss. You never know when inspiration will strike.



✨ They Make Design ✨

A team with 10 yrs of experience in branding web design and UI/UX.