Brand Competitive Analysis: Elevate Your Market Position

A step-by-step guide on brand competitive analysis. Strategies, tools, and actionable insights for market leaders.

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13 min readOct 26, 2023


Competitive analysis is a process through which companies evaluate their competitors to identify their strengths and weaknesses relative to their products or services. This technique, commonly used by businesses to stay ahead, ensures they remain relevant and effective in the marketplace.

Understanding the competitive sphere, companies craft strategies that leverage their unique strengths, address their weaknesses and position themselves as leaders.

What is a competitive brand analysis?

Competitive brand analysis is an in-depth study that analyzes competitors and their strategies to determine how one’s business or brand stands in comparison.

Knowing where you stand in the competitive sphere is imperative in today’s dynamic business.

This sphere encompasses everything from the products or services offered to branding, marketing strategies, and more. Essentially, it gives an objective view of the market industry.

One significant aspect of competitive brand analysis is understanding the competitors’ market position. By doing this, businesses can identify what makes their competitors successful or where they might be lacking. Is a competitor’s marketing strategy more effective? Do they offer a unique product feature that customers value?

Or perhaps they’ve found a niche market that hasn’t been tapped into. These insights are invaluable when determining one’s own company and market position.

Businesses often look at several elements of their competitors to carry out a comprehensive competitive analysis. This could include their marketing tactics, the quality of their products or services, their online presence, customer reviews, and more.


A thorough analysis provides a clear picture of the market, and from this, brands can devise strategies that allow them to outperform their competitors. It’s about understanding the reasons behind their successes or failures and using that knowledge to one’s advantage.

Why Do You Need Competitive Analysis?

Every business aims to grow and to do so, it must differentiate itself from the competition. Competitive analysis means you must understand your competitors and carve a niche for your brand while determining how to serve your customers best.

At the heart of it is a strong business strategy. This strategy defines the direction a business wants to take, its goals, and how it plans to achieve them.

A well-defined strategy is crucial, but it’s not enough in isolation. This strategy must offer a competitive advantage.

What does your business do better than others? Perhaps you offer a more comprehensive service, or your products are of higher quality. Understanding this advantage is critical to ensuring your business thrives.

One cannot overstate the importance of market research in this context. To understand the competitive advantage, businesses must understand their target market and their place within it.

What are customers looking for?

What are the current market trends?

Where do opportunities lie, and what threats might be on the horizon?

Many businesses, both large and small, conduct market research regularly. They employ various methodologies, from surveys and focus groups to analyzing online behaviors and purchase patterns.

The insights from this research provide a foundation upon which businesses can build their strategies. They can identify gaps in the market, innovate, and cater to customer needs more effectively.

So, when done correctly, competitive analysis gives businesses the tools and knowledge they need to succeed. It gives them a clearer understanding of the market, their competitors, and, most importantly, their customers. This knowledge is power; it’s the power to grow, innovate, and lead in the business sphere.

The Importance and Benefits of Competitive Analysis

Today, it’s essential to stay ahead of the curve and anticipate shifts in the market. This requires a deep understanding of your competition, strategies, and performances. Competitive analysis provides this vital insight, highlighting potential opportunities and threats. It serves as a compass, guiding businesses to make informed decisions that align with their long-term objectives.

What are the benefits of competitor analysis?

One of the primary benefits of competitor analysis is the depth of competitive research it provides. Businesses gain a comprehensive view of the market industry by diving deep into major competitors’ operations, strategies, and performance metrics. This research is invaluable in shaping a brand’s strategy, ensuring they are competitive and relevant.

A pivotal aspect of competitive analysis is understanding the market sphere. This metric indicates the market portion controlled by a particular company or brand within the same category. By analyzing the market sphere, businesses can identify dominant players, understand their position relative to competitors, and find opportunities to increase their market position.

The competitive analysis also significantly bolsters marketing efforts. When a brand understands what strategies and tactics resonate with the audience, they can tailor their marketing initiatives more effectively. This can lead to a higher return on investment as marketing campaigns become more targeted and impactful.

Speaking of impact, understanding the target audience’s most relevant competitors is crucial. Competitive analysis provides insights into who the competitors are targeting, how they reach out to them, and what messaging they use.

This knowledge enables businesses to fine-tune their outreach efforts, ensuring they speak directly to their potential customers’ needs, desires, and pain points.

Lastly, analyzing competitors’ marketing campaigns can provide a wealth of information. Businesses can learn from their competitors’ successes and mistakes by observing which campaigns were successful and which faltered. This iterative learning process enhances a brand’s marketing strategies, making them more robust and efficient.

What Competitor Analysis Aims To Uncover

Competitive analysis goes beyond mere numbers and statistics. It dives into the intricacies of business operations, strategies, and customer experiences.

For instance, taking a competitive analysis example from the e-commerce sector, if a brand observes that a competitor offers free shipping and has seen a surge in sales, it might consider adopting a similar strategy.

Or, if negative reviews highlight issues with a competitor’s product or service, a brand can ensure they don’t make the same mistakes.

A crucial aspect of monitoring is competitors’ customer service. Nowadays, customer service is more than resolving issues; it’s about creating memorable experiences.

Analyzing the customer service strategies of competitors can provide insights into what customers value, their expectations, and areas of improvement.

If a competitor is renowned for its stellar customer service, understanding what they are doing right can provide a blueprint for enhancing one’s customer support.

Also, it’s essential to uncover the avenues through which potential competitors generate revenue and leads.

  • Are they utilizing pay-per-click advertising?
  • Have they partnered with influencers in their niche?
  • Or are they leveraging affiliate marketing?

Knowing these strategies can present opportunities for a brand to diversify its lead generation and revenue streams.

Every brand has its own set of strengths and weaknesses. Identifying a competitor’s stability is essential, revealing what they are doing right. This could be anything from a unique product feature, an effective marketing campaign, or a strong brand presence on a social media platform.

Understanding these strengths helps businesses to determine areas where they must level up to remain competitive.

Lastly, staying updated on market trends is essential. Markets are continually evolving, with new trends emerging and old ones fading. Competitive analysis offers a lens into these trends, providing businesses with foresight.

If a movement is gaining attraction, companies can align their strategies to capitalize on it. Conversely, businesses can pivot and adapt if a once-popular trend is waning.

We must say that competitive analysis’s importance and benefits are very high. From refining marketing strategies to staying updated on market trends, competitive analysis equips businesses with all the data and knowledge they need to thrive in a competitive sphere.

You must keep up with the competition and stay one step ahead, continually innovating and delivering unparalleled value to customers.

The Process of Competitive Analysis

The business industry is like a battlefield where every brand aims to outshine its competitors. In such an environment, competitive analysis acts as a reconnaissance mission, providing critical insights to tailor your strategies. Understanding the process is crucial, ensuring the information is actionable and relevant.

Steps to performing competitive analysis

Conducting practical competitive analysis here isn’t merely about observing your competitors. The structured process delves deep into the core operations, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats competitors pose. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you embark on this mission:

Step 1 — Define Your Objectives:
Before you start, understand why you’re conducting competitive analysis. Is it to identify market gaps? To refine your marketing strategies? Or to better understand your competitors’ customer base?

Step 2 — Identify Key Competitors:
Conduct competitor research by listing brands directly competing with you. These could be businesses offering similar products or targeting the same audience segment.

Step 3 — Data Collection:
This step involves gathering as much information as possible about your competitors. Look into their marketing strategies, product offerings, customer reviews, and any other relevant data that provides insights.

Step 4 — Perform a SWOT Analysis:
The SWOT analysis is a crucial step in the competitive analysis. It stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Dissecting your competitors under these four categories helps to understand where they excel and where they falter.

Step 5 — Analyze and Interpret:
Once you’ve gathered all the information, the next step is interpreting the data. Understand what the numbers tell you and identify patterns or trends that can be leveraged.

Step 6 — Actionable Insights:
The ultimate goal of performing competitive analysis is to glean actionable insights. Use the data to refine your strategies, address gaps, or innovate.

Step 7 — Continuous Monitoring:
Competitive analysis isn’t a one-time task. The market dynamics are continuously changing, with competitors evolving their strategies. Regularly updating your competitive analysis ensures you stay ahead of the curve.

At this juncture, it’s worth noting that while businesses can undertake competitive analysis internally, hiring a team of brand strategists can elevate the process. These professionals bring expertise, tools, and a third-party perspective to the sales process, ensuring the analysis is thorough, unbiased, and actionable.

If you’re serious about outperforming your competitors, investing in a team of brand strategists can give you the needed edge.

What should you include in a competitor analysis?

Competitive analysis is a vast field, and the data you collect can range from surface-level observations to intricate details. Here’s what you should aim to include in conducting competitor analysis:

  1. Competitor Data: At the heart of competitive analysis is data. Gather as much information as possible about your competitors, from their financial statements to customer reviews. This provides a holistic view of their operations.
  2. Pricing Strategies: Competitors’ pricing is a crucial data point. Understanding how your competitors price their products can help you position yours effectively. Are they adopting a penetration pricing strategy or positioning themselves as a premium brand?
  3. Market Ranking: Where do your competitors stand in the market? Competitors’ rank provides insights into their market share, popularity, and influence. Tools like Alexa or SEMrush can provide valuable insights into website rankings, while other industry-specific tools offer a more comprehensive view.
  4. Templates and Frameworks: Using a competitor analysis template can streamline the process. These templates are structured to capture all the essential data points, ensuring you don’t miss out on critical information.
  5. Identify Market Gaps: One of the primary objectives of competitive analysis is to identify market gaps. These are areas where there’s a demand, but the supply is limited or non-existent. Identifying these gaps can allow businesses to innovate and cater to an underserved segment.

So, competitive analysis is a structured process that requires attention to detail, thoroughness, and an analytical mindset. Understanding your competitors inside out helps you to tailor your strategies, ensuring they resonate with your audience, address market needs, and provide you with a competitive edge.

Remember, knowledge is power, and competitive analysis is the key to unlocking that power in business.

Tools and Methods for Competitive Analysis

When making a competitive analysis, you must understand your competition and leverage the right tools and methods to gather and interpret data efficiently.

The digital industry has ushered in many tools tailored for competitive analysis, ranging from search engine insights to social media monitoring. Understanding and employing these tools helps businesses gain a sharper edge over their competitors.

Competitor Analysis Tools To Fast-Track Your Research

Competitor analysis tools are indispensable in the modern business industry. They offer a streamlined and efficient way to monitor competitors, understand market dynamics, and stay ahead of industry trends. Here’s a breakdown of some of the most pivotal tools in the competitive analysis toolkit:

  1. Search Engines: Search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo are at the foundation of competitive research. These platforms allow businesses to find competitors with similar products, services, or target demographics. You can uncover direct and indirect competitors by conducting keyword searches related to your industry or product offerings.
  2. Content Marketing Analysis Tools: Content marketing is vital in modern brand promotion. Tools like BuzzSumo or SEMrush provide insights into the content your competitors are creating, the traction it’s gaining, and the channels they’re leveraging.
  3. Social Media Monitoring Tools: Given the pivotal role social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn play in brand promotion, monitoring competitors on these platforms is essential. Tools like Brandwatch or Sprout Social allow businesses to track mentions, understand sentiment, and gauge the effectiveness of competitors’ social media campaigns.
  4. SEO Tools: SEO tools like Ahrefs, Moz , or Ubersuggest provide insights into the keywords your competitors are targeting, backlink strategies, and overall website performance. These insights can help you optimize your website and content strategy to outperform competitors in search engine rankings.
  5. Ad Monitoring Tools: Platforms like AdEspresso or WhatRunsWhere allow businesses to understand the ads competitors are running, their ad spend, and the platforms they’re targeting. Such insights can be invaluable when crafting your advertising strategy.

Incorporating these tools into your competitive analysis routine can streamline the process, making it more efficient and comprehensive. They not only help in gathering data but also in interpreting it, ensuring that your strategies are data-driven and effective.

What tools can I use to do competitor analysis?

Diving deeper into the tools, it’s essential to understand the specific utilities they offer. Here’s a detailed look at some of the tools you can employ for competitive analysis:

  1. Website Analysis Tools: Understanding competitors’ websites is a significant first step in competitive analysis. Tools like SimilarWeb or BuiltWith provide comprehensive insights into a website’s traffic, technology stack, and user engagement metrics.
  2. Social Media Analytics: While there are many social media platforms, it’s crucial to understand the strategies competitors employ on each. Tools like Socialbakers or Hootsuite offer detailed analytics on competitors’ social media performance, engagement rates, and more.
  3. Strategy Monitoring: Understanding a competitor’s social media strategy can be a goldmine of insights. Tools like Mention or Brand24 allow businesses to monitor competitors’ mentions, sentiment analysis, and even crisis alerts, offering a comprehensive view of their social media efforts.
  4. Competitive Frameworks: Leveraging a competitor analysis framework can be pivotal. Frameworks like Porter’s Five Forces or the PESTEL Analysis provide structured methodologies to dissect competitors, understanding the various forces that impact their operations.
  5. Keyword Analysis: Every business aims to rank higher on search engines. Tools like Keyword Tool or Google’s Keyword Planner provide insights into the keywords competitors are targeting, their search volumes, and their competitiveness.

To summarize, competitive analysis nowadays is about leveraging the right tools. From understanding competitors’ website metrics to their various social media channels and strategies, these tools give businesses a holistic view of the market industry.

Companies can stay ahead of the curve by employing these tools and adapting their approach to the ever-evolving market dynamics. Remember, in the fast-paced business sphere, staying updated is a necessity.

Applying the Insights from Competitive Analysis

Analyzing your competition is only half the battle. The real value of competitive analysis lies in applying the insights you’ve garnered to bolster your brand strategy and achieve your business objectives. From revisiting your marketing strategies to redefining your target audience, the data you accumulate offers a clear pathway to elevate your brand above the competition.

Taking action on your competitor analysis

One of the primary purposes of conducting a competitive analysis is to identify what your competitors offer and determine how you can differentiate and enhance your brand. Acting on these insights can transform the way you do business. Here’s how:

  1. Redefining Marketing Strategies: Your analysis will likely shed light on your competitors’ marketing strategies. Studying their successes and failures, you can adjust your approach, adopt new methodologies, or scrap ineffective tactics, ensuring a more impactful marketing campaign.
  2. Boosting Your Social Media Game: A brand’s social media presence speaks volumes about its engagement with the audience. If competitors have a robust online presence, it’s essential to reassess your social media strategy. Incorporate newer platforms, engage in trending conversations, or even adopt influencer marketing to ensure you resonate with your audience.
  3. Refining Marketing Tactics: Upon understanding the specific marketing tactics your competitors use, be it content marketing, PPC advertising, or email campaigns, you can refine your tactics. This involves either emulating successful techniques, innovating to stay ahead, or abandoning methods that don’t yield results.
  4. Understanding Your Customers Better: Competitive analysis can provide insights into your target customers’ demographics, behaviors, and preferences. This knowledge allows you to tailor your products, services, and marketing efforts to resonate better with your audience, ensuring increased loyalty and better conversion rates.
  5. Capitalizing on Unmet Needs: Understanding what competitors offer helps identify market gaps. Are there features your competitors haven’t incorporated? Services they don’t provide? Addressing these gaps can give you a competitive edge, making your brand the preferred choice for many customers.

Effectively applying the insights from your competitive analysis helps to optimize your strategies, ensuring that every action you take is data-driven, focused, and designed to give you an advantage over direct competitors in the market.

How often should I do competitor analysis?

Frequent competitor analysis is crucial. The market is dynamic, with brands constantly evolving strategies based on various factors. Here’s why repeated analysis of relevant competitors is essential:

  1. Content Strategy Evolution: Your content strategy shouldn’t be static. With trends constantly changing and new platforms emerging, ensuring your content resonates with your audience is crucial. Keep an eye on competitors to adapt your content strategy to stay relevant and engaging.
  2. Recognizing New Entrants: The business sphere is constantly in flux. A new direct competitor might emerge, offering products or services similar to yours, or existing competitors might pivot their strategies. Regular competitor analysis helps you recognize and adapt to these shifts.
  3. Identifying Indirect Threats: It’s not just direct competitors you need to worry about. Indirect competitors, who offer substitute products or target a segment of your audience, can also impact your market share. Understanding the strategies and offerings of both direct and indirect competitors is essential to ensure comprehensive market coverage.
  4. Gauging Market Movements: Your direct competitors are likely observing the market and making strategic shifts based on broader trends. Regularly analyzing their moves lets you glean insights into where the market is headed, ensuring you’re not left behind.
  5. Continuous Improvement: The ultimate goal of any business is growth and improvement. Regular competitor analysis ensures you’re always one step ahead, continuously refining your strategies based on real-time market data.

To summarize, the insights garnered from competitive analysis are like gold; they offer a treasure trove of information that, when applied correctly, can significantly elevate your brand and sales team’s market position.

Regularly revisiting your analysis ensures you stay ahead of the curve, adapting, innovating, and thriving, no matter how fierce the competition gets.

