Top Angular Component Libraries

Agastya Khatri
Published in
5 min readDec 14, 2023
Angular Component Libraries

Many developers around the world prefer to use the Angular framework for app development. There are many benefits to leverage as this framework comes with some unique features such as two-way data binding.

What really appeals to the developers is its component-based architecture that allows them to break down their apps into small parts. It makes development a whole lot easier. They are also allowed to build their own UI components for the app.

An efficient way to do it is to use a UI library. And to do that, you need to know the best Angular component libraries available in the market. Here are a few of them.

Top 5 Angular component libraries

1. Angular Material

Angular Material is a component library from Angular. It packs a rich set of UI components that you can utilize to keep up with the trending features.

Angular Material also renders in-built accessibility support, guides assistive technologies such as screen readers, and generates markup for keyboard navigation.

The performant and data-bound components from Angular Material make it easy for developers to make their web apps interactive with the help of the Angular framework’s built-in services and directives.

The components available in Angular Material are pre-built as they adhere to the Material Design Guidelines. Moreover, you can easily integrate these angular components with your app and customize them as per requirements. Dialog boxes, forms, buttons, navigation menus, and many more components are available in Angular Material.

2. NG-Bootstrap

Built upon Bootstrap CSS, NG-Bootstrap is an open-source angular library. It provides some of the popular design patterns and components. As developers are already familiar with them, the learning curve is reduced for new projects which makes it a reliable option for Angular app development.

NG-Bootstrap leverages the components of the Bootstrap framework by using them as Angular directives. These components use all Angular-specific features like two-way data binding. This makes developing mobile-friendly and responsive Angular web apps seamless.

One of the main advantages of using NG-Bootstrap is that it provides support for accessibility features like ARIA. This enables the developers to build apps that people with disabilities can use easily.

Modal dialogs are another strength of NG-Bootstrap. Developers can leverage the NG-Bootstrap modal component to create modal dialogs with customized options like keyboard support, backdrop, and size. An NG template stores the content of the modal dialog.

3. PrimeNG

Armed with internationalization support as well as advanced accessibility features, PrimeNG is a wonderful option for global applications. This open-source component library was created for customization and is extremely easy to use.

The UI components from PrimeNG are easily integrated with Angular apps. To ensure the integration with the framework is seamless, PrimeNG utilizes the lifecycle hooks and built-in directives. The PrimeNG library allows the developers to adapt components as per their unique requirements as it supports a variety of customization and configuration options.

This library’s biggest strength is its internationalization support as it offers translation services and supports multiple languages in most of its angular components. The localization framework for Angular can help accomplish this as it is easily customized and updated.

4. NG-Lightning

When Salesforce LDS is implemented with Angular, it evolves into a component library called NG-Lightning. It consists of everything, may it be CSS and HTML elements, blueprints, or design guidelines for developers on how to use this platform’s Lightning framework. The open-source collection of Angular widgets reflects all the vital elements of LDS such as CSS and HTML.

But what makes NG-Lightning a unique Angular component library is the dependencies. It is dependent on the Angular Component Dev Kit. In addition to that, the repositories used in Salesforce LDS are linked with all the apps developed using NG-Lightning.

You can get the CSS either using a link through CDN or download it from the Salesforce UX repository. Moreover, the approach for developing Views is based on Typescript, So, Angular developers don’t have to venture to learn something new.

Because the foundation of the NG-Lightning library lies in the Salesforce LDS, developers are serious about web accessibility in this case. Frameworks like Angular have dynamically created interfaces as their hallmark which can be challenging for end users with mobility or visual disabilities.

NG-Lightning produces web markup to provide support for screen readers and other assistive technologies as per the W3C’s ARIA specifications guidelines.

5. Onsen UI

If you are looking for an angular component library that can help build web, mobile, and hybrid apps then Onsen UI is an option to consider. This open-source UI library allows better integration with frontend frameworks in comparison to other third-party libraries. So, developing interactive and high-quality user interfaces becomes possible with minimal effort.

Onsen UI follows the philosophy of Google’s Material Design. This helps ensure that your angular app’s UI is user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing. The library comes with a wide range of built-in themes which you can easily apply to the angular components to improve the look and feel of the application.

Many of these UI components are already mobile-optimized. So, with minimum effort and time, you can utilize the Onsen UI to build cross-platform applications that look and feel similar to native apps. Moreover, if the situation demands, you can further customize those Angular UI components to meet the needs.

Onsen UI provides features like FastClick Support which allows faster app loading time, lazy loading, and removal of delays in touch events.

Final words

In the end, the UI component libraries are used to speed up the app development process as well as increase its efficiency. Although some libraries are more popular than others, the differences among them are not vast. After all, they were created to serve the same purpose. But they do have some offerings that make them unique.

However, it’s not about which library is the most popular or most advanced, it’s about which Angular library is most suitable to your project requirements. Know your project needs and find a library that can help you to the best of its capabilities to fulfill your requirements.



Agastya Khatri

Lifelong Learner | Web Developer | Writer 💻✍️