Top UI/UX Design Agencies Worldwide

Hire the best UX Design Agency for a startup, B2B, SMB, enterprise, SaaS. In San Francisco (SF), Los Angeles (LA), New York (NYC), London (UK), Berlin (Germany)

✨ They Make Design ✨
7 min readAug 31, 2020


Last Updated: July 2, 2024

UI/UX design agencies are vital in creating user-friendly digital products. Their role focuses on improving how we interact with websites, apps, and other digital platforms. Good UI/UX design is crucial for user satisfaction and the overall success of a digital product.

The best UI/UX design companies in the world:

1. Ramotion

Digital product agency: Web, Mobile, UI/UX

ui/ux design services
  • Location: San Francisco, CA, United States; Los Angeles, CA, United States; New York, NY, United States;
  • Clients: Descript, Mozilla, NBCUniversal
  • Hourly Rate: $ 100 — $149 / hour
  • Team Size: 50+ Employees
  • Year Founded: 2009
  • Services: API design & development, Headless CMS, Front-end development
  • Industries: B2B, SaaS, Fintech, Healthcare
  • Best for: Tech Companies
  • Clutch rating: 4.9 out of 5.0 (25+ reviews)


Design agency, based in Los Angeles, California. Focused on strategy, brand identity, UI/UX design and development.

  • Location: Los Angeles, CA, United States
  • Clients: U.S. Air Force, WWF, IBM, Dollar Shave Club
  • Hourly Rate: $ 150 — $199 / hour
  • Team Size: 25+ Employees
  • Year Founded: 2016
  • Services: Product strategy development, User experience design, UX research
  • Industries: Financial services, Information technology, Government
  • Best for: Customized Client Projects
  • Clutch rating: 5.0 out of 5.0 (25+ reviews)


Full-stack software development company with extensive experience in UX/UI design for web and mobile applications.

  • Location: Aurora, CO, United States
  • Clients: Code Blue Ventures, Aggregion, Atterley, Workfusion
  • Hourly Rate: $ 25— $49 / hour
  • Team Size: 30+ Employees
  • Year Founded: 2009
  • Services: UX Design, Web Design, Mobile App Design
  • Industries: Education, Information technology, eCommerce
  • Best for: Developing digital products from scratch
  • Clutch rating: 4.8 out of 5.0 (25+ reviews)

4. Creative Navy

Agency that design mobile experiences, web interfaces and GUI for embedded devices.

  • Location: London, United Kingdom
  • Clients: Jaguar, Philips, Bosch, Discovery Channel
  • Hourly Rate: $ 100 — $149 / hour
  • Team Size: 20+ Employees
  • Year Founded: 2010
  • Services: Product Development, UX Design and Prototyping, User Research and User Testing, Interaction Design, Mobile Apps Design, Web Design, Native Applications Design
  • Industries: Medical, Automotive, Financial services, Manufacturing
  • Best for: Established brands and startups with potential of human-computer interaction
  • Clutch rating: 5.0 out of 5.0 (30+ reviews)

5. Futuro Team

Futuro is a Product Development Team based in Berlin

  • Location: Berlin, Germany
  • Clients: Post.Bid.Ship, Ontel, Signality, Nexquare
  • Hourly Rate: $ 50 — $99 / hour
  • Team Size: 15+ Employees
  • Year Founded: 2017
  • Services: UX Research, Product Design, Rapid Prototyping, MVP Definition, Support and Maintenance
  • Industries: Consumer products & services, Financial services, Supply Chain, Logistics, and Transport
  • Best for: Ambitious tech companies
  • Clutch rating: 4.8 out of 5.0 (10+ reviews)

How Do We Review These UI/UX Design Agencies?

Our review process for UI/UX design agencies is comprehensive, focusing on a variety of critical parameters. These include:

  • Location: Geographical positioning of the agency, which can influence collaboration and communication.
  • Clients: The range and reputation of their client base, offering insights into their experience and reliability.
  • Hourly Rate: Pricing structure, which helps in understanding the agency’s market positioning and affordability.
  • Team Size: Size of the team, indicating the agency’s capacity to handle projects of varying scales.
  • Founded: The year of establishment, providing an understanding of their industry experience and longevity.
  • Services: Range of services offered, highlighting their areas of expertise and versatility.
  • Industries: Types of industries they serve, showing their adaptability and knowledge of different sectors.
  • Best for: Specific scenarios or business types where the agency excels, indicating their niche or areas of specialization.
  • Clutch Rating: Independent ratings and reviews, offering an unbiased assessment of their performance and client satisfaction.

How to Choose a Proper UI/UX Design Agency?

Selecting the right UI/UX design agency involves several key steps:

  1. Define Your Needs: Clearly understand your project requirements, goals, and target audience. This clarity will help in aligning with an agency that matches your vision.
  2. Consider the Agency’s Portfolio: Review their past projects and clients to gauge their experience and style. This will also indicate if they have a proven track record in your industry or with similar projects.
  3. Evaluate Their Expertise and Services: Ensure the agency’s services align with your needs. Look for specialized skills that are critical for your project.
  4. Assess Their Client Testimonials and Reviews: Client feedback, especially from credible sources like Clutch, can provide valuable insights into the agency’s reliability and quality of work.
  5. Analyze Their Communication and Process: Effective communication is key in UI/UX projects. Understand their process, timelines, and how they plan to involve you in the project.
  6. Budget Considerations: Ensure their pricing aligns with your budget. Remember, the cheapest option may not always be the best in terms of quality.
  7. Cultural Fit: The agency should share your values and have a compatible working style to ensure a smooth collaboration.

FAQ on Hiring a UI/UX Design Agency

Q: What services does a UI/UX design agency typically offer?
UI/UX design agency offers a wide range of services, including user interface design, usability testing, user experience strategy, and mobile app development.

Agencies like these focus on improving the overall user experience on digital platforms. They design visually appealing interfaces and create seamless user flows that enhance user engagement. Their expertise often extends to conducting detailed usability tests to refine interfaces and ensure they meet user needs.

Q: How do I select the right UI/UX design agency for my project?
Evaluate their portfolio, check client feedback, and assess their expertise in relevant tools and technologies.

Look for an agency with experience in your specific industry or with the challenges your project presents. Effective communication and a clear understanding of your business objectives are also crucial markers of a suitable agency.

Q: What are the benefits of hiring a combined UX research and design agency?
Hiring a combined agency streamlines the design process, ensuring consistency and deeper insights into user behavior.

These agencies leverage both design and research to tailor user interfaces based on real user data, leading to better-informed design decisions and ultimately a more effective digital product.

Q: Why is user experience design crucial for businesses today?
It directly influences customer satisfaction and engagement, impacting business success.

A well-designed user interface can set a product apart by making it easier and more enjoyable to use, which can lead to increased customer retention and conversion rates.

Q: What should I expect to pay for a project with a UI/UX design agency?
A: Costs can vary widely based on project scope, agency expertise, and specific service requirements.

Smaller projects might only require a few thousand dollars, whereas more complex endeavors, especially those requiring custom software development or extensive user testing, can climb into the tens of thousands.

Q: What are key features to look for in a top-tier UI/UX design firm?
A: Strong portfolio, positive user feedback, and a clear design process.

Top firms will showcase a variety of successful projects across different platforms and industries. They should also have transparent methods for measuring project success and adapting to client needs.

Q: How can I ensure trustworthiness and reliability in a UI/UX design company?
A: Research their past client engagements and the consistency of their project deliveries.

Reliable firms often have longstanding relationships with clients and consistently positive testimonials. Regular updates and clear communication throughout the project timeline are also good indicators of a trustworthy agency.

Q: Is it more advantageous to work with local or remote UI/UX design firms?
A: It depends on your project management style and communication preferences.

Local firms offer the benefit of face-to-face meetings and potentially more aligned working hours. However, remote firms can provide access to a broader talent pool and flexibility in scaling the team as needed.

Q: How can I find additional UI/UX design firms online?
A: Utilize industry-specific directories and platforms that showcase agency portfolios.

Websites like Clutch, Behance, and Dribbble can provide extensive listings of agencies along with detailed reviews and samples of work.

Q: What preliminary information does a UI/UX design company require to start a project?
A: Clear project goals, target audience insights, and desired project outcomes.

The more detailed the brief you can provide, the better tailored the agency’s approach can be. Information on existing digital assets and compliance requirements is also helpful.

Q: How long typically does a UI/UX project last with a design agency?
A: Project duration can vary from a few weeks to several months, depending on the project’s complexity.

Simple redesigns might be quick to implement, whereas developing a comprehensive digital product from scratch would take longer due to the iterative nature of design and testing phases.

Q: Should I hire a UI/UX design agency or establish an in-house design team?
A: Consider your long-term needs and budget constraints.

Hiring an agency brings in a team experienced in diverse projects and can be cost-effective for one-off projects or where high specialization is needed.

An in-house team, however, might be more suitable for ongoing projects requiring continuous updates and close integration with other company functions.


This review aims to provide an unbiased and informed perspective on UI/UX design agencies. The insights and recommendations are based on a comprehensive analysis of available information.

Readers should note that these evaluations are subjective and are meant to guide, not dictate, their choice of an agency.

We encourage users to conduct their own research to find an agency that best fits their specific needs and requirements.

📩 Please contact us if you have any questions 📩



✨ They Make Design ✨

A team with 10 yrs of experience in branding web design and UI/UX.