How to Layout A Presentable Website for Conversion Optimization

Belousova Model
Published in
4 min readMay 15, 2021

A website’s design and a beautifully appealing content page isn’t the sole factor required to make your website appear nice in the sight of users. Although the choice and the interest of the users differ, there are a few ground rules that you can follow to make your website appear better and be more powerful in terms of getting visitors to perform the action you need. I.e. Sales for B2B, Sign-ups, enquiries…

There are websites that seem so nice when first seen from a distance but when we get to look a bit more closely and in greater detail, the website appears to be cluttered, difficult to read, hard to navigate, and with an unattractive appearance which delivers a negative vibe and level of professionalism.

Therefore, here we have collected a few tips for you to make your website look smart, presentable and most importantly efficient as if it was designed by a professional website design studio.

1. Keep your Homepage Free of Clutter

Let’s suppose you have been posted to some new place and you’re seeking for room. A property broker shows you a room in the location that is messy, stinky and cluttered. However, the room and its decor is nice. Would you buy that? Of course not. Instead you will look for a room at the location which is clean and free of such things. Similarly, it doesn’t matter how great your contents and your products are, nobody would like to visit your website if it’s cluttered.

Therefore, you must ensure that your website is free of clutter and everything is well-organized and aesthetically pleasing on the eye.

2. Build Your Site Easy To Navigate

Often, people tend to leave a website which they find is too difficult to navigate. Don’t let people be trapped in the net and find themselves the information they are seeking for by jumping to various links. This kind of design layout irritates the audience and drives them into leaving your website and making sure not to return.

However, if you have a website with solid navigation, it will help the search engines to index your content and improve the viewer’s experience with clarity. Here are few things you can do to make it easy for your visitors:

  • Link your logo to your homepage.
  • Get your menu on the top of your website and get it structured clearly.
  • You can offer some vertical navigation if your site is of the long-scrolling variety.
  • Include all the important links on your footer in their shortened form.
  • Keep your important content “Above-The-Fold”.

3. Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly

Today, almost everybody is using mobile and most of them prefer mobile-phones to place order, to complete the transaction, to pay bill, internet surfing etc out of pure convenience and access. In such an era, if you haven’t designed your website to be mobile-friendly then you surely can guess the consequences of it.

A mobile-friendly website has a greater traffic and gets more view as compared to those not mobile-friendly websites. Therefore, if you have designed your website with optimization for mobile then it’s well and good and if it’s not then you must take it into consideration going forward for improved results.

Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

4. Create Your Website Content Easy To Read

You must have heard of the term “Readability”. Do you know what it means? Readability is the term that measures how easy it is for people to recognize words, sentences, and phrases. In short, it’s a measure of how easy something is to read and digest. When you create a piece of content there are many things you need to consider. Some of them are described below:

  • There should be a perfect contrast between the text and the background so that the text appears clear and easy to read. A dark background and a dark text or a light text and light background makes it difficult to consume. So always ensure, both the letters and background are in contrast and compliment accordingly.
  • Keep your font size so much that everybody can read it. Don’t keep it too small or too large. Too big texts seem something bulging out. Therefore, keep your font size normal. We won’t suggest you to use a certain kind of font size because it depends on the font format. Different font differs in sizes.
  • Choose a font that is easy readable. There are some font that are quite difficult to understand and to read. Also, don’t use more than 3 types of font in the same content or website as it looks cluttered. Wisely choose something understandable and readable.

5. Choose A Color Scheme to Follow

It is crucial that you should maintain the consistency of the website. You must choose a color scheme for your website that best suits and aligns with the messaging or the brand identity design as a whole. Try to keep the website color consistent when somebody moves from one page to another. You can make gradual adaptations throughout but don’t make it so much contrastive that it becomes hard for users to set their eyes to the changed mode. Therefore, choose the color accordingly.


These are some key things I recommend considering when you design a well-converting website. I’m very curious to know what are the things you to to improve the UI/UX of a website and make it perform better.

I look forward to hear your comments below 👇

