August Full moon in Dhanista

Sun and Moon through Gandanta



There will be a Full Moon in Dhanishta nakshatra on Thursday, August 19, 2024 at 11:25am, pacific time. Dhanishta’s shakti is the power of wealth and fame. I have pasted below the map of the sky for that date and time and we can see how Sun and Moon are exactly opposite each other to the same degree making it a full moon.

We are also seeing that Sun and Mercury are traveling through the Gandanta point, often referred to as a karmic knot as its the point where Water (Cancer) meets Fire (Leo)

As the moonlight illuminates our path, it invites us to gather with friends, revel in joyful parties, and partake in communal events. It’s an auspicious time for public relations, for spreading the word about your ventures, and for enhancing your public image. The Dhanishta Full Moon encourages us to immerse ourselves in the collective spirit, to feel the pulse of social, political, and professional circles, and to strive for success in all our endeavors.

Let the wave of this positive energy carry you forward. Embrace the abundance, connect with others, and let your spirit soar towards greater prosperity and triumph.




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