Summer Solstice and Purnima पूर्णिमा

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2 min readJun 20, 2024

Embracing the light on International Yoga Day

As the sun ascends to its zenith and the moon prepares to unveil her full splendor, we stand at the threshold of a profound cosmic ballet. Today, June 20th, marks the summer solstice, a time when solar energies reach their pinnacle, bathing the world in golden light. Tomorrow, the full moon graces us in Mula Nakshatra, an auspicious alignment that invites us to delve deep into our own roots and uncover the truths buried within.

Neutralizing feminine Moon and masculine Sun energy, Happy International Yoga Day

The summer solstice is a celebration of light and expansion. Solar energy is at its most potent, casting away shadows and revealing the true essence of all it touches. This is a moment to reflect on what we are illuminating in our lives. What are we amplifying with our attention? What dreams, intentions, or aspects of ourselves are we nurturing under this powerful light?

In the mystical dance of the cosmos, the full moon rises in Mula Nakshatra, a star cluster symbolized by a bundle of roots. Mula compels us to journey inward, to the very roots of our being, where hidden wounds and untapped potential reside. It is here, in the fertile darkness, that true transformation begins. This celestial event challenges us to face our shadows with courage and compassion, to acknowledge both our light and our dark with equal reverence.

The Sanskrit term for the full moon, Purnima, derives from “Purna,” meaning whole or complete. This ancient wisdom teaches us that perfection lies not in the absence of flaws, but in the acceptance of our entire selves. Just as we marvel at the moon’s radiant completeness, we are called to perceive ourselves with the same wonder and love. Every part of us, every joy and sorrow, every triumph and mistake, contributes to the beautiful tapestry of our existence.

In these sacred moments, as the masculine solar energy and the feminine lunar energy intertwine, we are reminded of the balance and harmony inherent in the universe. It is a time to honor both our strength and vulnerability, our action and reflection. The cosmic forces invite us to embrace our wholeness and to shine our light unapologetically.

As you bask in the light of the summer solstice and the full moon’s glow, may you find clarity and inspiration. Let the energy of these celestial events guide you to a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the cosmos. May you embrace your roots, heal your wounds, and transform into the fullest expression of your true self.

Happy Solstice and Purnima, dear souls. May the light touch and illuminate every aspect of your life, bringing you closer to your inner truth and wholeness.

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