Tiny Decks & Dungeons — Translation

Thiago Draheim Guesso
Thiago D. Guesso
Published in
2 min readMay 13, 2020

Tiny Decks & Dungeons is out now!

Last month, I had the opportunity that I never thought I would have: to translate a game.

Game writing is what I can call “my dream job”. Craft narratives, dialogues, develop characters and shape fictional worlds where players can enjoy great experiences that will offer them lasting memories. But getting into a the gaming industry, especially as a writer, can be very daunting task.

I was afraid to not get opportunities to show what I could do, to go under the radar of studios and never get noticed. Especially being someone who is a non-native English speaker and didn’t have any experience.

But thanks to Springloaded PTE. Ltd, I got the chance.

Yes, translation is definitely different from writing a game from scratch. But it still is a form of game writing. Since, well, you’re rewriting a game.

The experience of translating “Tiny Decks & Dungeons” is one that I’ll be forever grateful for. It helped have a little insight on how things work and also gave me the chance to do something related to what my dream job is.

