Are You Wondering If You Should Become an Entrepreneur? Read This!

Pasindu Withanage
Published in
3 min readAug 10, 2016

Grab yourself a beer, and go find a seat in front of a lonely beach or something like that and ask yourself. “Do I really want to be an entrepreneur?” Stare deep into your soul and ask if you are ready to take on the journey, because it’s not always gonna be a fun ride. You will get humiliated, people will tell you that you can’t pull it off, family will ask you “What the fuck you are doing?”, your competition will try to crush you and have you for dinner etc etc. Have a good discussion with yourself and clear out if there is any confusion.

Okay, so if your answer is “YES” after that long and hard discussion with yourself here’s what’s next.

Find a niche Or a problem that you want to solve. Some people become entrepreneurs because they are driven by a deep desire to solve problems and to serve the human kind. Then there is a bunch who become entrepreneurs because they don’t like sticking to a day job and the only way out is to build your own business. If you are a type 1 you already know what problem you want to solve. If you are a type 2 go find a niche that would help you address as big of a crowd as possible.

Do your research Make sure you know everything there is to know about what you are going to do. Know your market inside out and upside down. Talk to a lot of people and gather thoughts, do surveys, validate your business model.

Find a mentor Try to find a mentor that would guide you through the process. Someone that could drag you back into the real world if your amateur self tries to wander off into the wilderness.

Find a partner (or two) Right partners with the right skill set would help you enormously when it comes to launching a business. Understand the fact that you can’t be all things at once in a business, you need people that have the right skill set to handle different departments. For example if you are a founder with a business background trying to work on a Mobile App you definitely need a co-founder who is tech savvy, if you have an engineering background and trying to get a manufacturing startup going you need to find a co-founder with a business background. Someone who understand logistics, sales, marketing, customer relationships, etc. This co-founder would bring in more value than you can ever imagine if you find the right person.

PLAN & EXECUTE Plan the shit out of your every move and go execute. It’s not going to be an easy journey but if you work hard and smart with a sheer ambition to succeed you will taste success.

Be ready to deal with a level of stress that break most people, be ready to handle rejection, be ready to be humiliated, be ready to be called crazy and ultimately be ready to “Not give a FUCK” about what other people say and go for your goals.

Always know that nobody owes you anything, life is what you make it.

Good luck!

BTW, Read this article if you want to avoid some common mistakes that entrepreneurs make.



Pasindu Withanage
Editor for

Entrepreneur, Mobile Strategist and an aspiring archer! Co-founder and CEO of @ThikenDot.