How to Kick start Your Startup!

Mubeen Mackie
Published in
5 min readFeb 24, 2017

Have you ever had an epiphany? Like when your boss is yelling at you for a reason that you don’t even know and you wonder what it would be like to be your own boss? Everyone can dream and come up with ideas, but ideas are worthless unless executed well.

If you really think to change your life, the question to ask is why haven’t you started?

Here are few tips that we think that would help you to kick start your very own company.

Say bye to the naysayers

Before you even think of planning your business proceedings, just get rid of all the naysayers around you. “Your idea sounds crazy, that doesn’t sound good, You will lose all that you have”, they may be your friends, cousins or even family, just get rid of them.

Outsource or In-house? Settle on it!

A very common question to anyone who is planning to start a tech startup, whether to outsource their product development or build it in-house. Well, a better advice is to outsource your very first version of the app or software. Once you have a prototype or an app that could validate your idea, then recruit in-house developers.

Find your tech partners right

Ok, now that you have decided to outsource your development. Where would you find such companies? Google them? Well, that’s a wrong move. Yes! We usually end up Googling most of our doubts but the fact is that just coz a company ends up on the first page of Google doesn’t mean that they are good at what they do, they have just done a solid job on SEO.

If you need to get the real deal ones, find them through references and thought leadership articles in famous publications.

Gather Necessary Resources

You are going to need many resources when starting a business.Such as finances, people (unless you are planning to outsource, you don’t need to worry about hiring anyone), office space and much more. Create a list of everything you’ll need and how much they are going to cost you because they’ll help you when creating your budget.

Start soon but start small

Starting a rapidly growing tech business is no easy, as it requires a number of skills and a well-calculated budget. So, be very cautious in keeping each step forward as every step counts. You definitely need to start sooner than you think but start in a small way so that you could have the complete control over it. Follow your instinct, something that every startup entrepreneur needs to do. When you know that you have all the necessary resources and also feel like it’s the right time just go for it.

Set GOALS!!!

It doesn’t really matter how old your business is. Setting goals in order to move forward as a business is very important. Perform competitive analysis, employee evaluations, discuss with investors(if you have any) or experts in your field to help you decide what new goals need to be set and what needs to be done in order to succeed as a business.

Monitor and maintain!

When you finally have your business up and running, make sure to keep track of regular tasks that keep a business running such as a payroll, updating the website and using social media. And also on the finance side make sure that you have proper accounting, bookkeeping and tax record up to date because they can be dangerous and costly to a business in the long run.

Launch marketing and brand awareness campaigns

NeXT founded in 1985 by Apple Computer co-founder Steve Jobs

Before you launch your business start planning the ideas for marketing, sales, and branding efforts. With social media is used by much of the world population in most age groups and continues to grow in popularity globally, having an online presence can be your path to success.

Especially because you can do a social media campaign without any additional costs. It’s one of the best early investments that you can make in your business.

Join startup and tech communities and meet founders!!!

Spending time with ambitious and like-minded people could help you to mold your path drastically. Be it investors, developers, designers, entrepreneurs who work for different kinds of startups, connecting with them would only give you much needed boost and help when required. Starting a global tech business will obviously bring you more recognition & competition for definite, so surrounding yourself with industry leads from various sectors is vital.

Follow founders on Twitter, their personal blogs, Youtube channels, etc. Keep a track on communities like, online geniuses, Founded X etc. Read our detailed post on the guide for best online communities for startups for more detail.

So why are you still cooking that amazing idea in your head? If you think you have the ability and confidence to build a business out of your idea? Then it’s time to turn that idea into a profitable business.



Mubeen Mackie
Writer for

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