How Do I Get Initial Traction to My Newly Launched Web/Mobile Startup?

Pasindu Withanage
Published in
2 min readAug 14, 2016

Getting a startup off the ground can be one of the most confusing things ever. There are a ton of people who build great products but fail to get enough traction to justify operations and they close shop. Lack of funding is one main reason why people fail at growth or they overlook the importance of growth. But, did you know that you can do some things to get initial traction to your startup yourself?

First of all congratulations on launching your new venture. One of the best and sure fire ways to get the word out to people is social media. Setup social media pages and keep the content flow consistent. Create high quality content that’s engaging and useful for people. Advertising on social media is not that expensive so spend some money on advertising. Figure out the right social media channels to use depending on the business you are in. Don’t create accounts in every social media platform you can think of because that’s gonna take your focus away and will end up with a bunch of accounts that does nothing good for you. Select 3 networks and do your best in those.

Setup a content marketing plan and execute it. Make sure the content you are posting is relevant and high quality. That way you’ll be able to get more people to notice your services. Don’t just go out and sell like hell through content, provide actual value to people.

Go to meetups that are relevent to you and talk to people. This is one of the best ways to get the word out to people that matter. Try and do a speech in one of these meetups, that will get you a lot of attention.

SEO your site. Content would definitely help you rank high but there are a lot of other methods you can use to get your site ranked high on search engines. These are some simple methods to get initial traction to your website.

Use analytics tools and measure key stats to understand your customer base and tweak your content and campaigns accordingly. These are some of the things you can do to gain traction to your website initially, probably even before launch. While you are executing these strategies, work on a proper inbound/outbound strategy for your business. You’ll have to learn a bit to execute this piece but if you can do some reading you can set this up yourself. If you can afford it go find a great marketing company and build a proper plan because GROWTH will make or break your startup.

A great product won’t do shit if people don’t know that product exists.

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Pasindu Withanage
Editor for

Entrepreneur, Mobile Strategist and an aspiring archer! Co-founder and CEO of @ThikenDot.