Make a good looking app; or die

Pavithra Lamahewa
Published in
1 min readAug 9, 2016

Straight to the point; No one will give a !@#$ unless your app is at least decent looking.

Do this simple test. Just look at the most popular or most downloaded apps on the appstore if you don’t believe me. So next time when somebody tell you that having a good idea is enough to make it big? Tell them to go !@#$ themselves. (or next time your friend tell you having a good idea is enough to make it big? Unfriend him. Don’t ever talk to him. Slap him hard. !@#$ on his face.)

Reality is App store is mature enough NOT to make your crappy looking GOOD IDEA to be famous. People like cool stuff. UX is essential for your success. But no less than UI or how good your app looks like. Same friend will tell you having a great user experience is enough. That friend will also have a developer design your app. Now slap him again. !@#$ on his face.

I think (Maybe you are not) that Snapchat has bit of a learning curve for the first time user. But did that stop snapchat from having 150 million users?. If Evan Spiegel had a friend like yours, all the cool kids would’ve still be updating their Facebook or twitter feeds.

There are two types of apps in the app store. Apps that look good and apps that look like shit. Since now you know that, please don’t make an ugly looking crap next time. Please.

