Thinc. First Code Backend (Part II: Express.js)

Watcharin Kriengwatana
Published in
4 min readSep 27, 2018


In Part I, we learn the core concept of APIs. Now it’s time to actually make those APIs. In this tutorial, we are going to use Javascript + Express.js to create APIs server.

If you have not read part I yet, follow this link.

The time to take a step has come…

Keep calm, and follow the instruction. =v=

Programs needed: NodeJS, VScode

Part 1: Setting up

  1. Make sure that VSCode and NodeJS are downloaded and installed properly
  2. Download zip file from and extract (or clone the project if you have git)
  3. Open the folder with VScode
  4. Open the integrated terminal and install dependencies with the following command:
npm install

Part 2: Basic Syntax

Navigate to hello-world.js for reference

  1. variable declaration use let if the value may be changed later
let a = 5; // a = 5
a = a + 5; // now a = 10

use const for variable whose value will not be changed

const PI = 3.15; // PI = 3.14
PI = 3; // error because PI can not be changed

2. Printing: use console.log

console.log("Hello World"); // will print "Hello World" to terminal const number = 42; console.log(number); // will print 42

3. Data Type

  • number: 1, 2, 3.456
  • string: text ex. 'Hello World' both single and double quote can be used
"Hello World"
'Hello World'
  • boolean: true/false
  • array: list of multiple variables
let numbers = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8];
let teletubbies = ["tinky winky", "dipsy", "lala", "poe"];
// to access the value, use index console.log(numbers[2]); // will print 2. console.log(teletubbies[0]); // will print "tinky winky"
// Note that the first index is zero
  • object: key-value pair.
let human = { 
first_name: "John",
// to access value, use the key Example:

console.log(human.first_name); // will print "John"
// can be nested let anotherHuman = {
name: "Manud",
address: {
country: "Thailand",
province: "Bangkok"
friends: [
console.log(; // will print "Thailand"

4. Functions: accept input(s), do something with that input(s) and may return some value

function greeting (name) { 
console.log("Hello " + name);
function add (num1, num2) {
return num1 + num2 ;
greeting("World!"); // will print "Hello World!"

const num3 = add(1,2);
console.log(num3); // will print 3

Part 3: Backend Activity

3.1: “ Hello World!”

  1. In the terminal, type
npm start

2. Go to any web browser and type localhost:3000 into the url

3. Click the Click Me button!

4. Go to file routes/api.js and find the lines

router.get("/hello-world", (req, res) => {
const response = "Hello World!";

4. Try changing the value of response and see what happens.

3.2 GET / POST Request

  1. GET Request: sends data via URL


  • Example: a request is sent to the url /find-user?id=5
  • ?id=5 is the query
  • to use this data, use req.query.<variable-name>
req = {     // stuff

id: "5"
router.get("/find-user", (req, res) => {
const id =;
const user = findUserById(id)
  • multiple variables is possible ?id=5&age=20&city=Bangkok

Parameters (Note that it can also be used with POST request)

  • Example: a request is sent to the url /find-user/5
  • /5 is the params
  • to use this data, use req.params.<params-name>
req = {     // stuff     params:{ 
id: "5"
router.get("/find-user/:id", (req, res) => {
const id =;
const user = findUserById(id)

2. POST Request: sends data via http body in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format, can not be seen on URL

  • Example: login data sent to url /login
"username": "Abcd",
"password": "1234"
  • to use this data, use req.body.<key>
req = { 
// stuff
username: "Abcd",
password: "1234"
}"/login", (req, res) => {
const username = req.body.username;
const password = req.body.password;
// do authentication stuff

Try each type of request in routes/api.js in these routes

router.get("/get", (req, res) => { 
router.get("/params/:params", (req, res) => {
});"/post", (req, res) => {

3.3 Basic CRUD Operations

Go to the file routes/api.js and complete the code for each routes"/students/create", (req, res) => { 
router.get("/students/read/:id", (req, res) => {
});"/students/update/:id", (req, res) => {
router.get("/students/delete", (req, res) => {


  • POST Request to /api/students/create with the following body
"name" : name,
"faculty" faculty,
"contact": {
"phone": phone,
"email": email,
"line": line
  • function createStudent accepts a student (object), create a new student and return that student


  • GET Request to /api/students/read/:id with id as parameter
  • function findStudent accepts id and return the student with that id


  • POST Request to /api/students/update/:id with id as parameter and the following the body
"subjects": [

  • function updateStudent accepts id and subjects array, update the student with that id and return the updated student


  • GET Request to /api/students/delete with id as query
  • function deleteStudent accepts id, delete the student with that id and return the deleted student

