I, For One, Welcome Our New Robot Overlords

An experiment with AI-generated content.

Matthew Maniaci
Thing a Day


A white, humanoid robot sitting cross-legged, hovering above the ground in a stark, futuristic-looking room.
Photo by Aideal Hwa on Unsplash

AI content is in the news a lot lately, particularly ChatGPT. Hell, I’ve talked a bit about it in the past. However, I haven’t had much of a chance to play around with it until today, when I got my hands on ChatGPT for the first time and did a few experiments.

You see, I came up with an idea a while ago and started up a new publication, which I have entitled “Our New Robot Overlords.” The premise of this publication is to publish AI-generated content based on prompts that relate to articles that I have already written and published. The idea is to see how they stack up against each other.

The whole publication will be AI-generated, with the exception of a few small pieces of intro and outro on each article to explain what is going on with them. All of the titles and pictures will be the same as the articles that inspired them, and those articles will be linked. Medium requires that I tag my articles as AI-generated, and that is exactly what I will do.

I have generated a few articles already, and simply playing around with the ChatGPT input has resulted in several interesting lessons. For example, I generated two articles that sounded like high-school essays before I figured out that I could dictate what tone the writing uses…



Matthew Maniaci
Thing a Day

I write about everything from my experience with mental illness to politics to philosophy. Much of my so-called "wisdom" is from Tumblr dot com. He/him/his.